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by K
Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:59 am
Forum: Site-Wide Rules/Guides (Please Read!)
Topic: General Tips (Including Tips for Character Creation!)
Replies: 14
Views: 12157

Re: General Tips (Including Tips for Character Creation!)

When you post your char details up, admins and mods look them over to see that it's all fair, right? When we do so, we put some serious thought and effort into detailing each problem. Whether an issue applies to a single ability, all your weapons, a collection of your allies, or whatever, we aren't just complaining about what we don't like; we're telling you what's overpowered and generally why. We may also tell you what's underpowered, as in what you can tone up to fit what a Sein char should be capable of. Whatever we say, we say with proper consideration. It's not all serious stuff, but, when speaking of what needs to be adjusted, we speak from real consideration of what is and isn't fair to other players and the game.

Therefore, when you see our corrections and analyses, you should give them real consideration. "Fix this aspect" is not the same as "fix this number." When [admin/mod] says, "This needs to be fixed because you could just use it many times in rapid succession to do something that's overpowered," you shouldn't read, "Try changing 4 to 3 and seeing if I like it, then." Toning an ability down doesn't just mean making it deal a bit less damage, slightly shortening its range, or something. You have to really analyze what's fair and what's not, and your analyses will, in all likelihood, be flawed, so I appoint people who know what they're doing. I appoint people who comprehend the rules and have a good hand on what is and isn't fair. I'm not saying that the analyses are perfect; I'm not even guaranteeing 100% precision with my analyses, and I'm, well, me. You're not only free to, but encouraged to question reasons for something being adjusted; it shows that you're actually reading what we're saying and using your head. Obviously, asking why you're not allowed to start with a guaranteed instant death attack or why you shouldn't be allowed to have infinite fuel is dumb, but, if you want to ask why X attack shouldn't be as strong for Y cost or something, go ahead and pose some logical arguments. We welcome logic. Do not just keep editing in a guess-and-test method of seeing what we'll accept. It just gets on our nerves and wastes everyone's time. That's one reason why we don't yet have a ton of members; some people have decided that, rather than thinking their things through, they'll just toss ideas around until we say "approved." It doesn't work. We have the patience (even though it is very rude to us), but others end up giving up because they can't just throw something together half-assed and expect it to fly. They're lazy and rude.

We have a lot of patience; I don't appoint someone to modship without seeing that (s)he has quite a bit of patience, and I don't even think about appointing someone to adminship without seeing several times that (s)he has mountains of patience. It's not like we'll ban you if you screw up at all. It's not like you can neglect something that we say and catch all Hell for it. It's not like we'll kill you if you don't play the way that "we want you to play" or some such nonsense that other sites do. If you're blatantly ignoring us and just throwing crap around like a monkey, though, we will warn you, we will eventually scold you, and, if you keep at it, we'll enact punishments. It's rude, it's lazy, it's inconsiderate, it's obstructive (hence why we don't just tolerate it), and it can be solved if you just be mature and use your head. It's not complex.

Here are some examples (partly thanks to Bill . . .), so that you know what to watch for:

Bill, you can't have an infinite fuel/ammo system; you can't just draw as much energy as you want from the cosmos.
What if I make it so that the energy comes from a different source, like other planets, in stead of the stars?
No, Bill. It's not about where it comes from, although that could be a problem separately. It's that you can't just have as much energy as you want.
What if I make the energy come in at lightspeed, rather than instantaneously?
. . . Bill, seriously, give it up.

I don't see how this works. One minute, you're fighting them in the sky, and next, you're talking about hits from underground. You never mention teleporting, dropping down and digging, or anything; you just go from a sky attack to a ground attack. What's the deal?
*changes it to not hit as hard*
Did you even read what I said?
*changes it to hit more weakly still*
. . . Hello? What are you doing? You're not answering my question.
How weak do you want it? D:
. . . . .

I'm so tired of seeing this attack. You have tried to implement it in so many chars, both abilities and inventory, and I've told you how overpowered and illogical it is every time.
What if I call it something else?
Will changing its name make it logical? No. Will it make it fair? No. Can you guess what the answer is?
What if it's [blahblah name]?
Bill, stop. Get rid of the damned beam.
What if it works like this: [blahblah other explanation]
That's just as overpowered, because you'd essentially reduce others to nothing but physical combat while you're free to do as you please. That's not fair.
What if it only works from one angle at a time?
Not everyone starts with multi-directional attacks, and I'm not going to let you mandate that everyone should. People can fight how they bloody-well want to fight, and you can make things that aren't so overpowered as to limit people to abilities that they wouldn't bother with if not for you.
What if it only applied to [this category of abilities of the previous selection]?
It's the same issue, Bill. It goes for the other godhack barrier, too.
So I can't defend myself?!
No, you can; you can't just stand there and run a couple barriers on your infinite energy system to become nearly invincible.

I can spend an average amount of chakra to gain twice that in mana at any time.
I see that both of those parameters are high. So, you could bombard people with a ton of magic, spend half your chakra to do it all again, winning just about any battle, then just pour more chakra into your mana and wait a while for them to both fill back up so that you can go win nearly any other battle? How about not?
What if I can only use it with a quarter of my chakra at a time, or what if I spend only a little chakra to get twice that in mana?
. . . What's the difference? There's still nothing to stop you from just using it multiple times.

If someone blocks this ability, this happens.
You need to describe this more. Among other things, it lacks an explanation of what happens if it is not blocked.
*changes it to deal less damage/have less of an effect*
Um, no, that's not what I said . . .
I don't get it.
If I block it, this happens, but what if I don't block it? Because you don't describe this, it's assumed that refraining from blocking it results in no damage or effect, so the ability is almost totally useless.
Oh . . . Well, how about the same thing happens if it's not blocked?
Then it's just unblockable. If blocking an attack doesn't change it from refraining from blocking, it just surpasses one's block attempt.
(Finally, one that ended well!)

I don't see how this is an ability. You describe a series of attacks that you do, but there's no effect, nothing special. It's just a series of normal, physical attacks. It's fine to have some combos pre-planned (though you should always have your mind open to adjust), but you don't need to list them if they're just normal attacks strung together.
What if I kick twice after the first punch?
You could seriously solve this by just removing it from the list, but you intend to change up the layout until it fits what you think that I'm looking for. Really?
*removes it*

It makes no sense for this ability to just have a minimum range without a maximum. That's effectively saying that you can't use it to very well protect yourself (as walls are kinda' supposed to do), but I can be on another planet and you can spawn it right on top of me to get in my way.
*changes the minimum range from 5 to 3 feet*
Did you even hear me?
(This one turned out to be accidental, thankfully.)

It deals some damage over time.
Is it incremental or continuous? Is it proportional or calculated by something else? What's the damage type? How long does it last/what can get rid of it?
*change* It deals small damage over time.
. . . Thanks. You're obviously paying attention.
*change* It deals small damage continuously.
There's progress . . . Now, the rest of it.
*change* It deals damage for fifteen seconds.
You're . . . regressing . . .
*change* It deals damage for ten seconds.
Okay, I'm going to stop replying until you figure this out.
What do you want; only five seconds?

The list goes on. Obviously, I paraphrased a lot for your sanity's sake, but you can see that this is a recurring problem. I normally let people's rudeness slide, but, like I said, this is getting to be obscenely obstructive. Stop just changing things until you see "approved" or "this is okay" on something. Listen to what the mods and admins have to say about what needs to be changed, and apply logic.
by K
Fri May 27, 2011 11:57 am
Forum: Site-Wide Rules/Guides (Please Read!)
Topic: General Tips (Including Tips for Character Creation!)
Replies: 14
Views: 12157

Re: General Tips (Including Tips for Character Creation!)

To send a PM, go to your User Control Panel, which is accessible only when signed-in.
On your left, there will be a box with several options. "Private Messages" should be one of them.
The rest should be simple, but here's how to send a new message, just to be sure that it's clear:
Click "Compose Message," an option on the left that will be visible after you click "Private Messages."
In the left box that appears, type the username that you wish to send the PM to or select them from the "Find a member" box that appears when you click the button that is under the left box. If you wish to send a message to more than one member, insert a line break between each name by pressing your keyboard's Enter button. If you wish to send the message to an entire group, you should see where to click the group name.
Click the "Add [To]" button.
Type your message's title in the subject box.
Type your message in the large box that is meant for the body of the message.
Hit "Preview" to see what your message will look like before sending it, or simply hit "Submit."
by K
Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:05 am
Forum: Site-Wide Rules/Guides (Please Read!)
Topic: General Tips (Including Tips for Character Creation!)
Replies: 14
Views: 12157

Re: General Tips (Including Tips for Character Creation!)

Be advised that you should utilize the top buttons. I never have use for any sort of topic-finding function other than "View new posts" and "View your posts" because they are reliable for keeping track of every topic, presuming that you've read all the older threads. The User Control Panel (UCP) should be visited at least once to set your preferences, then additionally for Personal Messages (PMs). In the UCP, click "Profile," and you will be in the "Edit profile" module. Here, you can set up some contact methods for yourself as well as personal info (Set your birthday so that we can know when it is and wish you a happy one!), what factions you are in (little groups that you can make up; they have no significant, in-game meaning), and links to your character info (Please give links to them after they are approved; they make it easier for people to check your stuff mid-battle.). After that, "Edit signature" is right under "Edit profile," so you can make your sig to attach to posts. Immediately after that is where you can set your avatar, then a module that allows you to change your e-mail and/or password.
Under Board Preferences, most people have the following preferences for "Posting defaults":
Enable BBCodes by default: Yes
Enable Smilies by default: No
Attach my signature by default: Yes
Notify me upon replies by default: No (This would cause you to automatically "subscribe" to each topic, thereby causing you to receive e-mail alerts for every new post in that thread.)

You also probably want to go to your mChat settings and turn the sound off. Aside from that, though, you're probably done with the UCP; I implore you to explore it thoroughly when you get the chance, but most people see little to no use for its other functions.
by K
Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:50 pm
Forum: Site-Wide Rules/Guides (Please Read!)
Topic: General Tips (Including Tips for Character Creation!)
Replies: 14
Views: 12157

Re: General Tips (Including Tips for Character Creation!)

The following is an excerpt from a conversation about why technology is allowed in a fantasy RP, rather than keeping to the sterotypical setting of modern-day society in an age in which a crossbow is the most complex weapon in existence:
Mirage: If I can ask you a question however, because I've been wondering this myself, why aren't you letting him use technology? I know why /I/ wouldn't let him, but I'm curious to see if yours is the same. >>
K: It's because of what we were just discussing.
In real life, no, technology can hardly be considered as magical.
I told him that, but he insisted thart I was being a lunatic, so I blocked him.
However, in an RP setting, "magical" refers to a collective group of a wide range of aspects.
There are three damage types:
physical (hack-and-slash)
magical (spells, skills, curses, rituals, wards, manipulations, many jutsu, techno-beams, et cetera, et cetera)
metaphysical (generally hits like physical, but has properties that make it a sorta' half-and-half deal)
null (examples are ultra-rare, usually resembling another attack type, but counting as none, usually ignoring all sorts of effects and defenses)
Er, wait.
I said damage types.
Those are the four attack types.
The three damage types are physical, magical, and null.
A piece of technology can be a "beam sword" (so long as they say what the fuck the damned beam is).
That can be physical; it can just be a glorified sword, basically.
Examples are seen in Revil's weaps.
If a machine teleports things around, assembles them without actually moving mechanical parts to push them together like normal, whatever, it's magical.
A particle beam can hit magically or physically, depending on its methods of charging, firing, what the beam is made of, et cetera.
The point, summarily, is that technology can be limited just like anything else.
It can Level-up and otherwise grow just like anything else.
If you were to read the Ivaldi Class weaponry inventory's intro, you'd see that Lei can build Growth Weapons (i.e. stuff that depends on the user and thereby gets stronger with you, just like all other weapons) or Indifferent weapons (guns and such that simply hit just as hard at all times, no matter how strong the wielder is, just like in real life).
Entirely, it's just a matter of the fact that technology is "magical" and can be evaluated just like everything else; it can just as easily be fair.
Just, you know, not when you try to use it to make-up for detrimental stats to be a total godhack...
See, this is why we have the stats system.
Note that Mirage understood it after this one explanation. If you don't get it, read it again, and, if you still don't get it, ask about it.

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