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.::Nikita Shimono::. Rogue Apprentice

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:20 pm
by Nikita Shimono

Name: Nikita Shimono
Age: Unspecified
Height: 5' 4''
Weight: 109 lbs
Hair color: Blue-ish/purple; gray
Eye color: Aqua
Family: None


Companion: Mirai- White tiger cub
Quote: "This is how you remind me of what I really am..."

Past isn't really what Nikita likes to talk about, but you'll pretty much get the idea in one word: Rougue.

She started in a neglective family, her mother on drugs and her dad cheating with everything that had a vagina. After a while of dealing with it, she just gave up and went rougue. She ran away from home, lived alone, scavenged for food with others like herself. She was on the edge of a bridge one night, thinking herself to be worthless to the world. No one cared, no one thought anything of her disappearance.
That was the night her life was saved by a caring stranger in robes.