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Character Gov't

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:53 pm
by K
Here, we will discuss the workings of the characters' gov't. We will discuss whether or not we will have nations, what they will be called (nations, countries, regions), what their names will be, where they'll be, how powerful they'll be, their rights and privileges, et cetera. Likewise will we discuss guilds. All admins/mods are to give input. If other members wish to contribute, they may do so by posting something in Suggestions, via PMs, or elsewise.

To begin, we have determined that basing nations (or whatever they'll be called) on their dominate race population would be ineffective and fluctuating.

The Shallows Village and Meidkuad Castle are being considered as nation material. They could be nations of their own or two parts of a single, but split nation.

Guilds will certainly manage missions. It is to be decided whether or not they manage the arena plan, which will be posted here soon.

Nations are to be decided as mission managers or not, just as with the arena.

Guild-specific and nation-specific benefits are to be determined, as well as whether they will be exclusive or not. Examples of an exclusive benefit would be as follows:
"Members of this nation can receive a 'Soul Weapon' when they join, so members who are not part of this nation will not be allowed to wield 'Soul Weapons'."
"Because this nation can teach its members 'Psynergy', others can not learn 'Psynergy' without joining this nation."
Examples otherwise would be as follows:
"Members of this nation can receive a 'Soul Weapon', so characters who already wield one can obtain another to dual wield or switch weapons as necessary."
"Members can learn 'Psynergy', here, so characters who already use it can learn to use much more than they would normally be allowed."

Additional ideas are to be discussed.

Re: Character Gov't

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:39 pm
by Komo
well as an example as in avatar there is the fire nation mainly because they can use fire and blah blah, same with the others right?

with an rp like this

we need to decide on which race lives where and why they live there

either because of their specialty in a certain talent or skill
or just the location if its convenient enough for them

Re: Character Gov't

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 11:33 pm
by K
Like I said, race-based nations = no. I don't see how that's going to work very well, since a lot of RPers are going to make their own races, and the prodominate races will be fluctuating over time by who passes through them, who joins, who leaves, yada yada. Even basing them off the prodominate races that founded them or anything like that would be very limited. Try to get out of this 'nations of the Earth' mindset and into this 'nations of Houcm' mindset. Think of the Nations of Esc, but better and not so limited, lol. The nations aren't going to be just random borders on stuff, and Houcm isn't nearly so big as the Earth, so it's not like we have a bunch of different peoples, cultures, and infrastructures to manage, and it's not like there's a prodominate race for each such collection of aspects. The nations/whatever they'll be called, if we do have them, would just be collections of stuff like some residential areas, medical facilities, training areas for their aspects, yada yada. Like I said, kinda' like on Esc and a bunch of other sites, but better and less limited. As for what they'll be, that's what we have to talk about, and it'll ultimately be a matter of each nation leader designing his/her/their own nation. For instance, if Sado ever gets on the site, she'd probably run something that's much like the Distorted Reality. You know, sorta' like that.

Re: Character Gov't

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 11:39 pm
by Komo
then i dont think we should have nations but instead just locations and cities and stuff like the world map ya'know. so im probably speculating how it should go. But i leave that to the rest of the admins and mods to decide on what they want.

Re: Character Gov't

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 11:59 pm
by K
Komo, locations, cities, and stuff are what nations are intended to be. You know, an area with things like I said, maybe a spring, perhaps a library, something that's unique to that nation's benefit(s), and whatever else. So, you're saying that you think that we have enough as it is, that it wouldn't be worthwhile to make more stuff? That's one opinion.

Here's another idea: We could drop ideas for nations as of yet, but leave it up to characters to talk to each other and put a nation(s) together with their own hands. For instance, tG could go around and make friends, and he could ask them if they'd want to join a nation if he built and ran it, maybe ask people to run it with him, maybe ask people to help him build it, yada yada... and people would ask, "ARE YOU NUTS?!" Lmao, I'm kidding about the last part, but you get my point. Noah could go around and try the same, and no one would join because they hate him. Lol, kidding slightly less, that time... Royals, though... Royals have tons of battle power, as it is. I don't think that they should really bother to run nations, but it's something to consider.

Re: Character Gov't

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:20 am
by Komo
eh like i said ill come when its like everyone has decided and thats my decision yo.

Re: Character Gov't

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:00 am
by Emma Cain

Re: Character Gov't

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:44 am
by K
Thanks for that, Emmy. Now, as for your real input...

Re: Character Gov't

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:05 pm
by Emma Cain
Well, as far as nations go...
I like the idea of the character-built nations.
It would be more realistic- I love things that really start from scratch and build up... like FABLE.
You start with nothing and nobody knows you. But you do enough things that people end up loving you, and sooner or later you become the leader of Albion.
See what I mean?
Start from scratch and build up- it's realistic.

Re: Character Gov't

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:02 am
by K
All right, that's still up for discussion, of course, but we'll call that the plan, for now.

As for guilds, let's start with what kinds we'll have. One good thing about Esc is that their guilds aren't limited to the basic archetypes, although they still leave some characters out. One definate guild that will be implemented is the Aesthesia guild, which is the guild that's all about using aesthetics in battle. People can learn to sing, dance, draw, paint, marionette, juggle, and otherwise perform their ways to victory. For obvious reasons, Learpabru will be its first leader.

One idea that I kinda' like and kinda' don't is one in which we have a guild(s) for training more for stats, sometimes learning abilities along the way, while we have a guild(s) that train people for abilities, and their stats can go up during that. For example, we could have the following:
-learning many classic spells, curses, and the like, in addition to expansions thereof
-learning some of the more out-there stuff
-learning physical skills
-expanding on one's growing parameters
-strength, defense, and speed
-magic, resitence, and speed

Aesthesia could fit in there, too, as something that teaches yet other abilities. I think that my real problem with this idea is that it's not condensed enough for my style. Could just be me, though.

Another idea is to have entirely character-built guilds. I hate that idea. Nothing would get done until the characters could agree on something. I don't like it.

We can all agree that, after the first guilds are made, it's gonna' be hard for people to have more added, right? I mean, I don't want to see another entire guild pop outta' the air every time that I turn around. We should have guilds that will cover everyone, and shouldn't just have them for the sake of having some sort of factions, like an Organization XIII guild, for instance. Org. 13 is cool and all, and there may very easily be a bunch of characters that are based off/somehow resemble/whatever Org. 13 characters, but it wouldn't have much of a purpose as a full-fledged guild.

Somewhat relatedly, I don't think that we should have a 'join a guild or your account will be deleted'-type rule. Guilds will be pretty much a necessity for growth, so people will have to join to progress, anyway. I'm guessing that we can all agree that guilds shouldn't exclude people from learning anything from them just because they aren't members, but Level Challenges will probably be within guild membership, and members will get better training from a guild than non-members, right?

Re: Character Gov't

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 3:44 am
by Nikita Shimono
And agreed- Character-built guilds (unlike nations) would be rather pointless. Despite how the guild will be built, if the characters have too many differences.... The guild could just possibly be a waste of time to think about rather than sit there and spam a thread arguing.

Re: Character Gov't

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 12:12 am
by Komo
then how will we do it...this is a very tough subject to come with agreements on. If we have guilds then someone who majors in a certain skill should take over that guild firstly. secondly for nations would it be better to actually have no nations at all and just go with their current names and just have the guilds at certain areas to define them? Lastly what kind of guilds will be there and will Royals be the ones who run it or just average characters? For permanent leadership of guilds it should be Royals and inactive Royals will of course be revoked of guild permissions if they cannot attend in some form of regular bases.

Re: Character Gov't

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:05 am
by K
Well, we're agreed that no nations will be implemented from the beginning. Will characters be allowed to build their own nations? If they're willing to put the effort forth, competent enough, and all, I don't see why we should expressly disallow it.
[/general nation talk]

I will expand the Meidkaud Castle into a castle nation, but it will be more of a puppet government than anything. The monarchs and all will be run by an NPA account (We'll probably just use the Meidkuad Citizen account, since the monarchs won't be involved in much, anyway.), but they won't run missions, won't participate in most things, yada yada. It won't be an actual nation, like the kind that there is on Esc, but it will technically classify as a nation. Savvy?

Okay, guild leadership should not be run by the Royals. In a couple moments, we'll have all of two Royals. Not gonna' fly. No. I could run 5 or 6 Royals and have the characters in mind to do so, but no; the Royals are here to keep things fair and running smoothly on a much broader basis; guilds should be run by characters. The best way to do things would, naturally, be a democratic-republic. So as not to get in the way of character storylines, how about we do things like this:
  • We'll hold out-of-character elections, by which people will simply state that they're running, then voting will commence, and people will have the next, say, 7-10 days or so to vote. Those of us who are familiar with the way that Esc did it will find much resemblance, here.
  • Each election will have an in-character explanation as such: A reliable, honest, psychic character (whom will quite likely be K, in all cases) will read the wishes of all the members of each guild and will seek the victor of each mental election and congratulate each of them, awarding their titles. Maybe I'll give badges out or somethin'.
  • Upon joining a guild, all characters will be shown a small flier in the respective guild leader office(s) that will educate them on what reasons they should keep in mind when considering who their leaders will be, in case they hadn't already realized as much.
  • In addition to the in-character reasons, users will determine their characters' choices by the user's opinion of how well the leader-elect's user will run the guild, particularly considering how often the latter is online.
This way, Characters don't have to spend every waking moment keeping up with the little political movements in order to make an educated vote, but there will still be a satisfactory in-character explanation for it. Everyone cool with this?

Mind you that this will be AFTER the first round (I'm thinking by month; you?), perhaps two, of guild leaders. The first guild leaders on the site will be chosen by some storyline events that I have in mind, so that all users can see how things should be done/what the guilds are all about/what's so different about each guild/yada yada. For instance, it wouldn't make sense for Learpabru to establish the Aesthesia guild just to have someone else who has no clue about it try to run it. She has to set the first example. Savvy?

Guild Placement will be around the Guild World. Plain, simple, organized.

What kinds of guilds? There's the question of the century, thus why I'm bugging you for input. Aesthesia is a definite one, especially since it will pick a bunch of misfits from the other guilds up. Something in me says that we should start with one magical guild, and we can split it up once it gets to be too crowded. I know; that's just what Esc did. Well, yeah, and it was working just fine, when I was running that second guild, wasn't it? Exactly. As for physical guilds, again, I think that we should start with one. Yeah, yeah; a warrior and a thief don't need to learn the same stuff. Well, a guild tends to work on a one-on-one basis, for the most part, and a lot of physical techs should be learned by everyone who intends their hack-and-slashing to work, anyway. We can always split it up if it gets to be too crowded. I think that it'll be a long time before that, though. Why? 'Cause I'm thinking of a sort of paladin/spellblade/red mage guild; one for people who are very well-rounded or wish to learn in a well-rounded manner. For instance, Komo is mainly a physical guy, but let's say that he wants to learn some more magical stuff without too badly delaying his physical training. He can go to this guild to get a sort of half-and-half approach. It's not a novel concept, but it's nonetheless one to be considered, no?

Komo, there will be no such thing as an inactive Royal. P:

Re: Character Gov't

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:14 pm
by Emma Cain
Sounds manageable, and for the most part not-confusing. xD There's a feat for me.
As for types of guilds... What about Leilani and Emma? They're close to the same in areas, such as steampunk (I think that's what you based on....). What about a guild for those like them?

And the character-built nations still stand right in my mind.

Re: Character Gov't

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 6:11 pm
by K
Guilds probably shouldn't so much be about themes, such as steampunk/tech, as much as they should be about generic fighting components, methinks. I mean, guilds will still have their styles, which will be a sort of compromised version of some styles of the most common components of their consituents, kinda' like how Esc did them, but, of course, more accurately. Examples:
Creed: about agility, stealth, et cetera; style of thieves, rogues, ninja, and assassins, comparable to the wind element
Covenant: supposedly about tanking, martial arts, weapon mastery, et cetera; style of warriors, monks, and knights; comparable to the earth element
Academy: about standard magic, that being the basics and expansions thereof; style of mages, sages, et cetera; comparable to the fire element or light element
Nexus: about more secretive magic; style of necromancers, alchemists, and arcanists (a bit); comparable to the water element or dark element

You get the point. A guild should have its own style to match the basic archetype components of its constituents, but the guild shouldn't be about the style; it should be about the fighting components. The Nexus has a style of necromancers, arcanists (a bit), and alchemists, but it is a guild for all such "dark arts"-type characters, so to speak. For Emma, steampunk is scarcely more than a style; she's a pretty well-rounded character, using some tech for physical combat and some spells for magical. Leilani, on the other hand, knows a couple spells to get her by, but mainly is a physical character who fights mainly from a range, sets traps, sits in her tough-ass forts, but has a much more thief-like approach to things when enemies get close. They have much different fighting methods; they don't fit the same guild. Follow?

Oh, and Lei isn't steampunk, actually. Well, she kinda' can be, but no, that's not her base. xD