Bill's Inventories

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Post by the General » Tue Oct 19, 2010 5:10 am

Kydarin Crystal Pink

Upon the discovery of the Planet Nchuleft, the E.A.S.T. Empire discovered a temple built by an ancient alien race. Inside this cave the E.A.S.T. Empire discovered a rare artifact that gave off an endless supply of energy. The Crystal's code named at the time was Nchuleft's Pride. Nchuleft's Pride was investigated and researched. It was finally concluded that the nearly limitless energy source Nchuleft's Pride held was a result of the crystal gathering energy from stars within 10000 light years of itself and storing them inside a chamber that condensed it to an unfathomable size. After further going into the temple they would figure out that this crystal was named Kydarin. The Kydarin Crystal was named after the ancient race that had constructed it.

After the discovery the E.A.S.T. Empire would find a way to tap into the crystal allowing the to draw power from it. They called this the Resonance Chamber. The Resonance Chamber was large housing placed around the Kydarin Crystal that allowed energy from it to be drawn out and used. The Resonance Chamber and the Kydarin Crystal are the biggest achievements it he Human history had seen since the discovery of the first habitable planet. The Kydarin Crystal then lead to the development of thousands of new technologies and weapons. 40 years after the construction of the resonance chambers a new way of drawing power was discovered. This new way was a resin like coating that had the ability to transfer the energy to nearby Resonance Chambers making the Kydarin Crystals portable. The Kydarin Crystal would lead to the development of the Real Hologram System.

Kydarin Crystal Purple

With the success of the Kydarin Crystal Pink the E.A.S.T. would begin experiments on trying to develop their own versions of the Alien technology. Their attempts created the first cloned crystal known as the Kydarin Crystal Purple. This crystal was both a failure and a success for the E.A.S.T Empire. The Kydarin Crystal Purple like its Pink "Mother" draws in energy from stars and stores it. But unlike the "Mother" crystal the Purple crystal can not store this energy indefinitly. Once the Crystal is tapped into for energy it will drain within a short amount of time till it must recharge.


A large 300 pound 2 piece blade that can be put together or separated into 2 pieces. The Shell blade acts as a wall or shield that takes damage and disperses it across the blade to cancel out most styles of attack. The core blade is a razor sharp thin sword that has been infused with the General's soul.

Piece 1 Shell Blade

Shell Blade

2 feet long. 1 foot wide. 3 inches thick.

Shell Blade's hilt

1 foot long with a vicious curved blade on the end.

Piece 2 Core blade


1.5 feet long, 0.5 inches thick, 6 inches wide.

Blade’s hilt

1 foot long.

the Core Blade has the General's human soul bound to it. When the Full Banriu Blade is grabbed by another person the soul will be transferred and attempt take over the one touching the sword. The Core Blade is made from a solid slab of Spiritual Ice created by the General's past love Alley Seras and can do a small array of attacks.

Banriu Abilities

Ablative Armour

The Shell Blade is made from an extremely dense material known as Duranium, Duranium being used to line star ship hulls for protection in space war fare was engineered to be lightweight yet invulnerable to attack. To further strengthen the Shell Blade Ablative Armour has been added. Ablative Armour is a type of coating that is applied to metals that allows the metals to take 1 - 3 direct hits from an attack and survive. This of coarse depends on the strength of the attack hitting the Ablative Armour. The Ablative Armour once hits absorbs the damage spreading it even across the laminated surface. Once worn down after the 1 - 3 attacks the Ablative Armour is then useless till repaired.

Spiritual Ice

The Core Blade possesses the ability to shoot out around 15 shards of Spiritual Ice at an opponent or at an opponent's attack or defense. If the Spiritual Ice shards are fired at an opponent's attack or defense, the ice shards, being possessed with Spiritual Power, have the ability to pass directly through the attack or defense, purifying the attack or defense and stopping it. This can only be done once before the Spiritual power in the ice is depleted, turning it to normal ice. The ice, after turning to normal ice, can then continue on its journey to where it was intended to go. If fired at an opponent and it hits, the Spiritual Ice will cause metaphysical, ice-elemental damage to the opponent with a secondary effect of purification of demonic influence, hostile emotions, and sinful desires (always within Level and its stats). If the ice shards use their spiritual power on an enemy attack or defense, then hit the enemy, they will deal physical, ice-elemental damage.
Last edited by the General on Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:15 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by K » Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:04 am

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Post by King Erik » Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:23 am

Name: Miller WarHammer
Type of Weapon: War Hammer
Materials: Duranium, Nano Steel, Iron, Gold, Kydarin Crystal Silver

A War Hammer Fused with a Silver Kydarin Crystal. The Hammer and Crystal are said to be a step above the pink crystal, this only a myth though. This specific crystal allows Erik's hammer to manipulate Matter allowing for the "creation" of black holes, super novas and other things. The manipulation is locked at the moment. Exept for basic manipulation of the elements

Kydarin Crystal Purple.

With the success of the Kydarin Crystal Pink the E.A.S.T. would begin experiments on trying to develop their own versions of the Alien technology. Their attempts created the first cloned crystal known as the Kydarin Crystal Purple. This crystal was both a failure and a success for the E.A.S.T Empire. The Kydarin Crystal Purple like its Pink "Mother" draws in energy from stars and stores it. But unlike the "Mother" crystal the Purple crystal can not store this energy indefinite. Once the Crystal is tapped into for energy it will drain within a short amount of time till it must recharge.
Last edited by King Erik on Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:52 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by K » Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:05 am

Oh, boy.
1) Have a warhammer that can manipulate all that you want, but creation = no. Notice what was just posted recently, "Battle and Travel Properties". Since this is a scientific character, you should respect the basic principle of science that we can not create anything. If we could create anything- anything at all, our potential would be far greater than our discretion, because we could find a way to transform or otherwise manipulate that created subject into things that could serve far more than the original purposes. I hope that I don't have to go on in order for you to get what I'm saying. It can summon/teleport/whatever you want to call it, convert from other things, yada yada, but it can't create. Via Terramancy, Noah can seem to create elements, since he can teleport them into place (although not very effeciently, and not until a higher Level). The Rapture keyblade of his can seem to create "Sea Water" by summoning it from elsewhere and giving it the appropriate properties, but nothing can be created from nothing. For this reason, 'twould be grossly overpowered for the creation of black holes and spatial properties. No.
2) For the above reason and because it's a godhack, no to the N-Jammer. If you tone it down to the point that it only slightly reduces, but does not come ven close to the negation of, energy attacks, that's one thing, but it's not okay as it is. You'll also have to respect that many energies will absolutely not be able to be replicated by this AT ALL. I don't care if you're Lv7 and someone else is Lv1; if they have their own special chakra that's exclusive to them, your N-Jammer is gonna' try to read the energy signatures and have a proverbial WTF moment. If you can come up with its own energy source (which will have to be limited and moderated, because infinite anything pretty much = no) and say that it converts its energy to match and conflict with enemy energies as much as it can, and you reduce its effeciency by a TON, we'll consider it, but certainly not as it is.
3) As for the physical shield, what maqkes you think that summoning so much carbon is anywhere NEAR your Level? Use some relative terms to describe how it can generate the carbon to REDUCE, not entirely STOP, physical attacks, or say how much it can produce at what Level(s), but saying that it can produce that much to stop just about any physical attack is certainly overpowered.
4) The RH system, once again, classifies as an ability, so please move it there.
5) Aside from the English (lol) and what I said above, the rest sounds okay. Just, you know, don't be suprised that your mini black holes will deal magical damage (considered to be the gravity element, as it's called), so people will be able to simply take damage from them, not be warped into oblivion.
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Post by K » Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:46 am

... I'm just gonna' pretend that "locked" means "mostly locked, while the so-called creation abilities will never be unlocked, applied, or otherwise considered".

By that stipulation, this is partially approved, to be reviewed and contested by mods and admins as necessary in relation to stat discrepencies and such.
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Post by K » Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:46 am

Note to anyone who has already read this and has now noticed a change: Don't worry. The addition of Banriu was approved. He simply forgot to copy and paste it over, and I didn't think of it until recently. As it is, it's approved because it appears to be fair and was meant to be included from the beginning, just as tG and I discussed. If someone has a problem with some details, that person is still encouraged to speak-up, but don't blame tG for adding something without first attaining it. It was already attained, but unrecorded. He is not getting special treatment or anything. Everyone cool with that? Cool.
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Post by Slain » Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:02 am

40mm Twin Revolving Arm Cannon

Built onto Slain's left arm is a twin cannon that fires large shell like rounds capable of causing massive damage on impact or splash damage if target is near the round when it impacts with a hard surface. This is fired using the switch on his automail arm.

12 Round Magazine, 40 MM lead tipped round with bronze casing, Autofed.

Slain can carry up to 2 Magazines at a time

60mm Precision Hand Cannon

A larger more devasating and precise cannon Slain keeps on his back. This cannon folds under the shoulder when needed to fired and can be fired by using the switch mounted on his automail arm. Best used at long range.

6 Round Magazine, 60 MM lead tipped round with bronze casing, Autofed.

Clockwork Rifle

A quick firing 32 round rifle that is based on the speed the users hands can move. This rifle must be held when fired and is a standard fire arm of the Helmanian Battalion. The Rifle features a visious long blade mounted on the underside.

32 Round Magazine, 12 MM lead tipped round with bronze casing, clockwork fed.

Slain can carry up to 12 Magazines at a time


Side Mounted Armour

On the opposing side of his automail is a thick and durable armour plating. This can take brutal damage and minor explosive damage. It is specially designed to protect his vulnerable points when firing his cannons.

Shrapnal Grenades

This grenade explodes sending thousands of metal shards everywhere.

HE has 6 grenades

Steam Generator

This device allows Slain to create vast clouds oc white steam that is so thick it is nearly impossible to see through.

USes somesort of magical thing Noah has to make.
Last edited by Slain on Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by K » Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:32 am

Ammo, please.
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Post by Slain » Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:39 am

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Post by K » Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:18 pm

Cool. Just remember that your ammo isn't going to just spontaneously restock after a battle; you have to actually go buy/build/whatever stuff. Approved.
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Post by Slain » Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:20 pm

Okay and thatll be at Ivaldi Class or the Unsung Cathedral
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Post by K » Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:25 pm

Primarily, yes.
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Post by Slain » Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:31 pm

And we could restart the training with dycedarg thread too, I'll post slains stuff later.
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Post by K » Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:40 pm

Yeah, we'd have to start new threads, since the first finished, while the second was pretty much over; it just lacked a final post from you.
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Post by the General » Sat Nov 06, 2010 2:25 pm

Dycedarg thread was never finished he was locked before we could continue
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