Character Gov't

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Re: Character Gov't

Post by Emma Cain » Fri Nov 05, 2010 6:14 pm

Oooh. I get it nooow. xD

But see, I'm still all for a guild as such. See, using tech and machinery could be a very broad style- if one is willing to expand on it almost as much as Leilani. Emma wasn't in the "tech" areas of the military in her past, she was more of a mage. However, she is one who wants to expand on her knowledge and ability to use the machinery. A guild would allow that.
On top of that, Leilani could open her up her shop right in the guild. It's a win/win.
If that made sense, which I hope to dear goodness it did, does it sound reasonable?
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Post by K » Fri Nov 05, 2010 6:45 pm

I hear what you mean, but no. See, for one, Ivaldi Class will be not just for tech stuff, so it wouldn't make much sense to put it in a tech guild. Secondly, its placement is already decided elsewhere. Thirdly, we're already going to have Ivaldi Class and the Unsung Cathedral, so an entire guild for teaching tech stuff (which would benefit, like, 7 characters?) would be more than a little excessive and redundant. Fourthly, exactly; it'd be a broad STYLE. Any style can be broad, depending on how creative particular characters are with it. A theme of death can make for an assassin, a dark knight, a necromancer, or even a healer (using some sort of reversed death energy or something). A theme of technology can be used as a sort of techno-tank character, can be used as the basis for a rogue who flies around and tosses gadgets around, can be used for a person who uses machines like magic, can be used by a mage with backup tech (which may be used in a sort of magic-like manner or for physical stuff), et cetera, et cetera... So many different fighting methods can be used by the same style, so they wouldn't really fit into a guild properly. I mean, Emma and Lei may want to learn some of the same tech-building stuff, but they have completely different methods, so Emma may want to learn how to build and use /this/ kind of tech, while Lei needs to learn more of /that/ kind. Aside from that, a lot of techno-chars use technology that others wouldn't be able to help them with, past some generic tips. For instance, how is a techno guild member supposed to help Revil improve his Photogess Launcher, something that manipulates an energy that the guild member would be unfamiliar with? "Well, most cannons of light or other light-like energies can be improved upon like so, but I don't know if it'll work for yours..." <- Yeah, that'll go... Summarily, technology is a theme, a style, not a fighting method in an of itself.

I do think that guilds should be based on fighting methods, not styles, because style-based guilds would keep things really limited, sorta' like on Vescrutia, while we want people to be as creative as they want to be. We want people to use their own styles or whatever they want, not just what we have made guilds for, right? I guess that this means that guilds (or at least one, likely) will resemble Esc's, kinda', but that shouldn't be much of a problem. Once we (and by "we", I probably mean "I") write shit up, it'll be pretty evident that we're not just copying Esc's shit. Once we're/I'm done with it, if they want to bitch about it, they can stuff it, 'cause everyone knows that I ain't copying jack; I've pulled everything on this site from my head, and that's how it's gonna' go.
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Post by Emma Cain » Fri Nov 05, 2010 6:49 pm

Ah, alright then.
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Post by K » Fri Nov 05, 2010 7:18 pm

Of course, that means that you guys should still give your input as to what the guilds should look like, how they should work, et cetera... >> For instance, I'm thinking that guilds should have dorms, but we need to decide whether or not said dorms should charge rent. Previous input:

godsoldier713 (11/3/2010 11:26:41 PM): Option 1: Small dorm rooms in guilds for super-low rent cost.
godsoldier713 (11/3/2010 11:27:01 PM): Option 2: The same for free.
godsoldier713 (11/3/2010 11:28:04 PM): Free sounds good, but it also makes sense for rent money to go toward prize money for missions and arena.
donhaylock (11/3/2010 11:28:23 PM): exactly
godsoldier713 (11/3/2010 11:28:32 PM): So, your choice?
donhaylock (11/3/2010 11:28:59 PM): rent'em out i say'
donhaylock (11/3/2010 11:29:10 PM): free is bad for business
godsoldier713 (11/3/2010 11:29:26 PM): Slight problem, though:
donhaylock (11/3/2010 11:29:37 PM): unless we have a strong back-up like expenisve weapon/armor per-say
godsoldier713 (11/3/2010 11:29:54 PM): People will complain that they have to join a guild in order to grow, right? Well, they- Wait a second...
godsoldier713 (11/3/2010 11:30:14 PM): Well, other things will be sold mainly by shops, which won't go toward guilds.
godsoldier713 (11/3/2010 11:30:20 PM): Guilds will sell some things.
godsoldier713 (11/3/2010 11:32:59 PM): They'll also have influx from the Royals.
godsoldier713 (11/3/2010 11:33:19 PM): It's just that it seems like it'd make sense for rent money to help to supply things, too.

I'm thinking that a $1500 influx from Royals to spend on missions and area prizes will suffice, at least until we get a bunch more members. Aside from that, should rent help to support things likewise?
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Post by Komo » Fri Nov 05, 2010 11:59 pm

Yes rent will help us as well as adding shops. Well im out of ideas for now...meh this sucks ill think of something then let everyone know ^_^

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Post by Emma Cain » Sat Nov 06, 2010 6:54 pm

Yeah, rent sounds good. Maybe one or two more votes for it and we could approve and set a price then?
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Post by K » Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:16 pm

Love, it's just us. Mirage quit, remember? Kumiko won't be online for, like, ever... I'm thinking $15 per active month or something...
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Post by Emma Cain » Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:21 pm

Oh. Alright then.
And yeah, sounds fair.
Oh! and I have an Elouia Room Builder I could use for Dorms, if it arises for appearance. Just cause I'm bored. xD
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Post by K » Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:24 pm

Need to run it by Komo, then.

Erm, I see? Maybe put the link in Spam for those who would use it?
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Post by Emma Cain » Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:36 pm

Alrighty. :3
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Post by Komo » Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:03 am

Im for it all the way u have my approval!

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Post by K » Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:55 am

Okay, list of resolved issues:
Meidkaud will be run by an NPA (unless people earn the position through storyline events or whatever; it will at least start as an NPC-run nation).
Shallows will just be an oversized village with almost no gov't. Various citizens act as members of an unofficial bureau (Oxymoron, much?) of fighters for village defense, hunting, and any village-based issues.
Other nations will be character-built as we go.

$1500 influx from Royals
$15 rent for guild dorms
Depending on the guild, some shops may be present for further influx.
will manage missions
will teach characters, just as before
administer Level Challenges
based on battle methods, not styles/themes

Yet to be determined:
Will guilds have rings, books, or other markers to distinguish members? If so, will they all be the same thing, or will it vary from guild to guild (e.g. rings for Academy members, books for Nexus Members, keys for Creed Members, and headbands for Covenant members)?
Aside such primarily aesthetic values as membership badges, will members of guilds receive benefits just for joining, such as stat increases, new abilities, or whatnot?
Will members be allowed to join more than one guild? How many? Will joining one guild void membership of another?
Will guilds have anything to do with the arena idea (to be posted soon)?
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Post by Komo » Sun Nov 14, 2010 12:17 pm

Uuuuhhh people who just joined a guild shouldn't already get a benefit boost. They should atleast do a test mission and upon completion get their benefits. And members should not be allowed to join more than one guild, simply because of the stat boosting anyways. How many is anyone's guess. Yes. And i dunno what the arena idea is so its like....yea

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Post by K » Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:02 pm

Like I said, the arena idea will be posted shortly. I have to wait until I'm back home to do so, since I don't want to risk anything on this crappy internet connection. Why is the power button on my modem turning yellow? owo

Well, that's the thing. I kinda' figured that joining more than one guild and stat boost wouldn't go together. If people can join two guilds, Noah would join (again using Esc Guild examples) Nexus and Creed, so he'd get a tiny stat boost to their respective stats. Leilani would join Creed and Covenant, so they'd be fair, but Learpabru . . . Well, on Sein, she'll have two guilds to join, anyway, but let's say that she only wanted to join one. She'd end-up picking another one to join that she'd never use just for the stat boost. That's messed. I as thinking probably more along the lines of an ability aspect. Like, um . . . Okay, think of Esc's Nations. With the exception of the Sunlit Kingdom, one reaps a benefit simply by joining the Nation and making a thread in with that benefit is attained. For instance, the Distorted Reality has the National aspects of Soul Weapons and Witching, so a character joins the Nation, then receives a Soul Weapon or becomes a Witch via one of the Nation Leaders. Likewise, one could join a guild on Sein, then receive some ability, skillset, weapon, other item, perhaps an ally, or whatever else from the guild leader(s), yanno'? Think along those lines.

That thing about the test mission before said benefits are reaped? Not a bad idea... It's something to consider. I mean, I wouldn't want half the threads on the site to be guild-joining missions . . . Of course, having said missions would be a good way to stop people from guild-hopping all the time, but I don't foresee much problem with that, anyway . . . It would be somewhat debilitating to someone who had a logical reason to switch guilds immediately, although I don't foresee that, either . . . Here's one thing, though: Someone may want their character to start off very weak, and thereby unable to handle a guild-joining mission, even though said mission would be quite easy to anyone else. They may want to start off painfully weak, join a guild, and learn at an obscene rate, putting them up to par with everyone else. This would debilitate that, methinks. Hrm . . . (I should not be the only one thinking, here; you two think this over, too.)

As for how many guilds one can join, you have a say in that, too, bro . . . Give me something to work with. I already have a number in mind, but you need to apply your mind, and I'll see stuff from there. I already have built everything else out of my ideas alone; you should give some input. Same goes to Emmy.
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Post by Komo » Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:46 am

Ahem dont say ur the only one thinking cuz we are too. Thats why we have 2 pages of this discussion. Oh and i have been applying stuff from my mind if u havent noticed. ANYWAYS! No i dont think just joining is really good. So im just saying that you should do some sort of test to atleast get a weapon belonging to said kingdom or nation. I'm more concerned about guilds than nations actually, seeing as u should only be allowed to join one guild to which your character is looking to improve their skills. Training, Missions, and Story Missions also contribute to this as it is fair and organized. But here is another idea i have. If you join one guild u gain a moderate-huge stat increase depending on difficulty. And joining another guild automatically gives you a low stat bonus. Since we are using training and all that stuff it should be taking into consideration that this is how it should play out. Lastly if there is said nation/kingdom that gives a special type of weapon then it should be given out by thoroughly completing missions belong to said places. And that is how it should flow and that is my maximum input for about 10 hours.

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