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by Moribito von Laurel
Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:32 pm
Forum: Abilities
Topic: Facultates autem dolor -/WIP\-
Replies: 1
Views: 3092

Facultates autem dolor -/WIP\-

-/Abilities File .01: Confessions of the Machination.\-

"Suit Listed abilities stated below. It appears that the suit has taken a DNA sample from skin and blood the minute it was put on, this proves not to be a problem since this is now recognized as my suit and no one else may be able to use it. The suit seems to have made a list of what I can already do probably because of my brain waves and memories or some other reason. The suit has also uploaded that I am a hybrid cross of a Dragon and a Lilith, with that said it appears I have access to wind, fire, and electricity. Interestingly enough the suit seems to have knowledge of my abilities thus far and will list them for future reference..."

Bodily Abilities:
Moribito's body was basically built like Samus', he has the ability to do multiple flips in the air, roll a good distance, has a great deal of acrobatic ability and stamina. Mori is also double-jointed allowing him to twist his arms and legs to certain angles without them breaking giving him a good deal of mobility.

Expurgate pulmonis, translates to Purge Lungs, are some of the advancements in Moribito's body allowing to purge any poisonous material from his body through his lungs converting the poison into a vapor and releasing it from the pores in his body. This usually takes about a few days to do in which Mori's body aches from both the poisons effect and the effect of his lungs working at higher pace than usual, usually making him tired and weak. This is only used when Mori is out of Anti-Venom and when the suit administers the correct hormone to activate the ability.

Natator, translates to Swimmer, Moribito has an odd body enhancement which allows him to breathe in water without gills, a mana cost, or anything (if he were out of water). His eyes are also enhanced making his vision (if he were out of the armor) in water just as clear as his vision when on land. Moribito is a great swimmer and if there were a race between a certain 'Ice Girl' they'd probably become good rivals.

Mors Imitatio, translates to Death Mimicry, this is his fooling ability that makes opponents and creatures think that he has passed on while giving them the idea to get away from him due to the suit making noises as if it would take over his body and continue to fight. This is done when Mori pretends he has sustained a great wound and has obviously died, afterwards his aura begins to release this sense of danger around the opponent fooling them in thinking he's died and has to get away from the area. Now the effects of this varies from person to person, if the person has a MS of Above Average or higher this move has a 60% chance of succeeding unless they check the body. Those Average or lower have a 70% chance of being fooled and like the 60%'s they can check the body if they want.

Posse Cavea:
Translates to Cage Ability, a certain state of mind when conditions are met becomes Moribito's strongest abilities when he needs them the most. The only draw back with them is that they may reduce some of his stats and movements such as losing atckspd, total mana, ps, or str depending on the type of Cage used. So far Mori has access to three the third being an Ultimate Ability.

Primordial Instinct:
Moribito's Caged Ability in which he goes into a higher state of mind and becomes spiritual like, the cost for casting magics is cut by 1/3 and he has a lower casting time when the chant has started. Mori's atkspd also increases by a noticeable amount making him deadly in combat while in this form. Another perk to this is that the REBIRTH armor's AI activate after its first use which has not happened yet, and besides that speeds up the auto-repair for the armor to good rate also allowing Mori to regenerate small wounds that are inflicted on his body. To activate this form Mori must use a certain chant to unlock two power holders located on his two hands, after that Mori will burst with power and become the Primordial Instinct. The drawbacks to this form is while he may be in the form it might revert him back to normal due to him using it for the first time without any real training or practice with it. That can be real troublesome as being forced out the form and reverting after the time limit is up brings on certain stat effects such as, atkspd lowering making him seem slower than usual, spells require more mana than usual to cast, and the casting time is noticeably longer. This is best used when going against a small group of powerful opponents when the going decides to get tough.

Armament Master:
Another caged ability that allows the armor to release its hidden weapon such as new turrets, cannons, and hand weapons. This also converts any drained power cells back to usable ammunition for however long he is in this form. The weapons he unlocks for first time use goes like this, enhanced hand cannons, deploy-able turret, 10 ft nodachi similar to Hakumen's Ookami.
The enhanced hand cannons which can be found on his palms turn a sky blue color and adds a small explosion each time it hits something solid. The explosion is around 3 feet in diameter and is used to sweep an opponent of their feet, because of this Mori is only able to fire 5 bullets at once before the cannons over-heat.
Mori can use deploy-able turrets that work a lot like that one upgrade for the machine gun in Jak 3 but instead of using bullets it uses microfusion power cells that are only available to this form. The turret will hover in a designated area and begin to fire upon the enemy. Mori's turrets has a big enough memory for an IFF (identify friend/foe) to be installed into them making sure that friendly fire is out of the question.
The nodachi that is given in this form is known as Sakuretsu, it can charge up an energy that can be shot forth using mana. The amount of mana stored into the blade determines the wave's power output: a small amount equals a wave that flies about 5 feet that deals little damage, a moderate amount furthers the wave's length by another 3 feet, a large amount adds another 3 feet and deals a large amount of damage. Damage done by this move is null so therefore ignores defense, the sword has the ability to hurt things that are intangible meaning that ghosts and other ethereal beings can not phase through the sword to avoid damage.

Fur Ingenium:
Translates to Thief abilities, these are all thief related abilities that Mori can do, it ranges from walking on walls, to cloaking his footsteps, and being able to enhance his speed some bits to help give him in edge in battle.

Umbra pedem, translates to Shadow Foot, allows Mori to expend a small amount of MA to cloak his footsteps making the sound produced by them to barely audible and also make them light enough for him to detect traps before they detect him if he were to trip a few.

Lumen pedes, translates to Light Feet, allows Mori to expend a negligible amount of CH to be able to walk on walls. The cost is constant as long as he continues to walk on walls meaning it is not a one cost thing but can be utilized as such if his speed his good enough to make distances in short periods.

Clamors: Translates to shouts are special abilities that can be used by Mori that he gained through intense training and learning certain words to help him unlock each shouts true form. Depending on which Clamor he uses, it will require a different recharge time and a different effect. The words he already know how to use will be listed below.

Mors designatus, translates to Marked for Death, gives Mori the ability to slowly degrade and make an opponent's armor heavier than usual, the spell also causes the opponent to lose hp over the time period in which the spell is active. This allows for more hits and damage to be dealt when an opponent is hit with the the spell. In order to utilize the spell Mori must use the chant: KRII LUN AUS. Depending on the words said when the spell is being used, its range and radius is increased and the effects are greater but last the same amount of time. The effects for each word is listed below:

KRII: -8% armor protection/ -1hp/s for 35s
LUN: -10% armor protection/ -4hp/s 35s
AUS: -15% armor protection/ -6hp/s 35s

The drawback for this spell is that after the 35s mark passes the opponents armor protection reverts back to normal and it takes a 4-8 mins for the spell to be used again once it has been used once. The cost is between medium-large amount of mana consumed to use it.

Ignis Spiritus, translates to Fire Breath, allows more to obviously use a jet stream of fire burst from withing the bowels of his body and unleash mobile hell upon his enemies. There is a little something different about the fire, it can linger on the ground for about 30 seconds (depending on word used) where upon if an opponent were to stay near the flame long enough they would soon become ignited in a flame that deals damage for the time it is on them (think burning damage). The area of effect goes up to 20 feet and travels fast if an unwary opponent is taking off guard. The attack also has a chance of knocking down an opponent of lightweight and can stagger an opponent of heavyweight. The magnitude of power in this attack is a low-moderate amount with the burning effect taking away about 3hp/s while the flame lasts in its 15 second time period. The words needed to activate the Clamor are

IGI: (AoE 10 feet) Time needed for ignite on opponent to happen: 20 seconds
NIS: (AoE 15 feet) Time needed for ignite on opponent to happen: 17 seconds
SHUL: (AoE 20 feet) Time needed for ignite to happen: 12 seconds

The recharge time for the Clamor depends on the word it may take 3-5 mins for it to become available again.
Lastly the mana cost for this is a medium cost due to its epicness and so on.

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