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by Noah Ivaldi
Sun Dec 26, 2010 2:34 am
Forum: Mythic Thickets
Topic: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith
Replies: 183
Views: 110997

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

((You bitch at me like that again, and you won't be able to leave. Things aren't all roses for me, either, but you don't hear me whining whenever something doesn't go my way. I told you ten thousand times that I use the original, unbastardized spelling of "ritard", which is Italian for "slow". "Retarded," a bastard word, originated from the illiteracy of some morons who'd heard "ritard" used as a term to express slower musical tempos. Did you ever notice that no one else tries to correct my spelling? That's 'cause everyone else bloody pays attention when I explain that. Therefore, when I'm calling you slow to pick-up on concepts that I've explained and expounded to you more times than you can count, don't even THINK about pretending that I'm just being an ass to you. You heard Courtney; even she had to decide with me, and she was in a hateful mood to me! You can't seriously believe that life is so fucking unfair to you. My room isn't decorated with every anime` figurine, poster, et cetera that I've ever thought about. I have headaches all the time that would kill you, not exaggerating. I have an inexplicable acid reflux problem. I have assholes like you to deal with. When I do something, not only is it unappreciated, but people refuse to even put it to use! When someone tells you that (s)he'll do something, it's generally me, and I do it. In fact, I do things with about ten times the promptness that could ever be reasonably asked of me. When someone tells me that (s)he'll do something, it's a bloody, mother-fucking lie. They all manage to forget about it for months and months, no matter how many or how few reminders I give, and they always act like I'm being naggy and needy when I ask them to get on something that they gave their words on several months ago, something that they were reasonably asked and expected to do, something that they claimed to not mind or even WANT to do. It never gets done. Case and point: Fucking everything on this site. Notice that the modules aren't installed? Were it up to me, I would've spent another God-knows-how-many hours reading those redundant, clear-as-mud tutorials to learn how to code them in myself, and they would've gotten done. Harrison told me to just sit back and let him take care of them. How long has it been? Yeah. Look at how long ago the guild discussion topic was posted. That was because I couldn't get them together on Y!M at the same time, so the weeks and wekks that had already passed aren't shown, and we still couldn't come to an agreement. Why? 'Cause no one would do as they fucking said and act like responsible, mature adults. I got tired of their shit, fired them, and did in one night what they couldn't even bother to log in and THINK about for months. You have asked me more questions about the site than everyone else, including those with far less experience, combined and tripled. The majority of them have been stupid questions that all follow the same concept; I've told you time and again that there are no bullshit rules against particular things just because their classic use is unfair. Lightspeed can be earned and can be fair. Teleportation can be fair rather easily. Adamantium is just another material. Time manipulation can very easily be fair. I'm obviously not going to allow such things as dark matter (by the theoretical definition as the matter that binds our spacial, temporal, and other dimensions together) manipulation, as it'd be an excuse to do absolutely anything, but I've told you countless times that things aren't going to be disallowed and declared to be wholly unfair in any and all applications; that would be limiting others to my experience unfairly. Now that I've explained that to you YET AGAIN, you still don't get it, do you? You'll still ask me stupid questions, and I still won't ban/block/edit/delete/whatever you on account of those stupid questions. You see? You get to be an rude, unattentive brat and still get a better RP site than any other, and all that I get is one overgrown kid on my site. It's not just girls that hate me; more people hate me than I've ever seen. More people hate me right now than I ever WILL see. Oh, people don't like you? Try to refrain from whining like a little bitch whenever things don't go your way, and that may change! Yeah, bitches backstab. It's what they do. I can just about guarantee that my back is more cut-up than yours, and, unlike you, I didn't ask for it. Don't you tell me how miserable you are.
Now, who called the RH system an antimatter replicator, huh? Read your own damned description. You described it as a system that simply forces subatomic particles together until something exists (as though that could have anything that resembles the sort of efficiency that anyone who's less than God would need), not some bullshit like an "antimatter replicator". You can't just throw words around that sound scientific to you and expect me to let you break the rules; I've told you that a thousand times if I've told you once, and I've explained to you that your fucking godmod system is only allowed if it's managed to be fair, not a godhack. Get it? No? Too fucking bad. Impatient though they are, even the Escellsians gave you more chances than you deserved, and you still can't get over your fucking idolatry and pride and just PLAY FUCKING FAIRLY.
Yeah, did I say that you couldn't learn something on your own? Did I say that you couldn't discover stuff? No. I said that you have to actually apply some MOTHER-FUCKING EFFORT! You can't just come up with something and say, 'I want it, so I get it after X amount of time.' It's bad enough that you're expecting me to let you learn something after a count of your posts, which (as we do not regulate post length) could mean as little as 'teh General sat bck and. Watches he was worthless and figures laola is better. Than him and can handle. This,' for a couple posts and some (still undescribed) ice shard volleys here and there. Just expecting me to comply with your variable timeline is bad enough, but to expect me to let you completely invent a new particle just by saying that you're thinking about it for a little while is downright insolent. It's not like you're comiing up with a new combo on-the-fly. It's not like you're figuring a new spell out and just need to concentrate on it and test it out a bit. You're trying to add an entire new particle to your system that'll allow you a loophole for what was clearly established as a weakness of your character. No.
Why do you insist on going against absolutely everything? You're less than 20 yards away from your allies (one of which politely caught you and set you straight from your flight, despite the fact that you had just been a bitch to him) and are hit by a big-ass, dragon tyrant's tail, and you can't just let it be? You have to be able to somehow manage THAT big of a vector in THAT little time just so that you can feel like you're in control?
Go the fuck away, Bill. You are always welcome to come back, but don't do so until you grow the fuck up.))

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