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by K
Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:41 pm
Forum: Mythic Thickets
Topic: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith
Replies: 183
Views: 110923

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

((Just stop being an ass and just RP.))
by K
Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:19 pm
Forum: Mythic Thickets
Topic: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith
Replies: 183
Views: 110923

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

((One more shit-piece like that, and you're temporarily banned. I keep playing ball with you, keep giving you more chances, keep helping you, correcting you in Y!M so that your proud ass can fix shit here so that it's not quite so evident that you're bloody unattentive and repulsively tunnel-envisioned, I spend more time on reasoning with you than all others combined, and you just have to bitch. I'm taking my ball and letting others take a turn, now. Either play fair or get out of my playpen, and I mean now.))
by K
Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:25 pm
Forum: Mythic Thickets
Topic: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith
Replies: 183
Views: 110923

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

((YOU are gonna' tell ME that I'M proud? After blatently proving that I have been lenient with your pride, you're trying that? Really? No one said that you couldn't multi-task, so stop putting words in my mouth. This is, however, a thicket. You can't just fly up out of here because you're too much of a whiney, bratty, bitchy, proud prima donna to fight. I keep telling you to make sense and letting you edit your shit ten thousand times when I could just use your words to make you suffer, but you just have to bitch about everything. Bill, leave. I mean it; do not role-play on the site until you can act at least half your fucking age.))
by K
Sun Dec 26, 2010 1:23 pm
Forum: Mythic Thickets
Topic: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith
Replies: 183
Views: 110923

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

((Look, it's not like I don't care about you, but that's a problem that you need to deal with, you need to report, you do whatever about. It's not an excuse to come onto Sein and try to be unfair to everyone else.))
by K
Sun Dec 26, 2010 1:20 pm
Forum: Mythic Thickets
Topic: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith
Replies: 183
Views: 110923

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

((I've told you a thousand times that walking straight into an attack guarantees its success. Should I attempt to do something that you quite clearly have no fair chance to get out of the way from? Should I spend every post trying to counter one fucking move while you launch two dodges and two attacks per post? I'm being NICE to you, you fucking ingrate. If you'd like, I could turn your attempted slide into a combo that could take more than 3/4ths of your health. Yeah, I could do that, and it'd be fair, since you walked into it. Therefore, you have absolutely NO right whatsoever to whine because I'm making you take something that you ran into. I'm sure that you'll spam a bunch of references of other media, most, if not all, of which I can counter with this:
We always see some character slide under an enemy, but do you ever consider that doing so at the shown speed, especially against smarter enemies, is basically begging for a counter like the one that I just pulled? I thought not.
Now, how many times have I told you to stop assuming that I'm modeling things off the standards of another series? How many times to stop bashing series that you know nothing about? Newsflash: Even the first FF game had evasion. They weren't able to provide evasive animations, at the time, but they had evasion to all but the most accurate attacks. FF fans didn't bitch and throw a tantrum whenever their characters took hits, though. Even the first FE had evasion, too, so don't tell me that I'm asking you to stand there and take everything just like your assumptions of some game series. I'm asking you to stop whining when I counter you poorly planned shit. Don't tell me that I need to learn RP basics when you have openly admitted that your other sites are filled with people that NEVER get hit. Don't denegrate me because YOU want to godhack and be able to get out of everything, no matter how you got into things.

Sorry to hear, but don't take it out on my site and me.))
by K
Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:38 pm
Forum: Mythic Thickets
Topic: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith
Replies: 183
Views: 110923

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

((Not writing shit in after approval. Not telling you again. Not letting you tell me how you should be allowed to have something because you just now figured-out a way to make it feasibly fair on the site. When others go from one site to another or otherwise have prior experience, they come up with explanations. Most go with something to the extent of 'I inexplicably lost/forgot this ability(ies)/equipment piece(s) when I was transported to this place, so I'll have to go out an reattain it/them.' Not gonna' let you just break all the rules and do whatever you want on account of your idolatry. Not gonna' let you just randomly write shit in whenever you think of something that you had elsewhere that you want to put into G. Told you that you can have as many characters as you can manage, and they can have anything that you can think of, SO LONG AS IT'S FAIR. Not gonna' let you god-mode, not gonna' let you make shit up or remember it whenever it's most convenient, not gonna' give you special privileges. No.))

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