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by K
Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:12 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Move successful!
Replies: 1
Views: 5005

Re: Move successful!

As per the oodles of site maintenance that I've been doing, one background update that I've performed is on the settings of file extension groups. To put it simply, do any of you remember trying to attach a .zip archive or flash file to a private message, or perhaps an .xml document that you wanted to share for a program that your buddies and you use, then being told, "The extension "blah" is not allowed," though it didn't at all seem like a security risk? Well, I fixed that. If you can attach it in a post, you can attach it in a PM, now, and plain text attachments are now allowed.
As a security precaution, real media files are still disallowed. To avoid accusations of pirating, to hinder the capacity for users to actually do so, and as a security precaution, the "downloadable files" group, mp3, mpeg, mpg, ogg, and ogm, is still disabled.

I just wanted to take this point to remind users not to download just anything and everything that is sent to them. If a file is posted publicly, it can be readily scanned by anyone with the software to do so. If someone is attaching a malicious file, it's usually in a PM, often with some manner of "special invitation" message. If you download a malicious file, the only helpful thing that I can do is to use you as an example to warn others. The only thing that I can do to prevent any of this from happening at all is just what I'm doing, which is warning ahead of time. There's basically nothing that I can do in file extensions (without disallowing ALL attachments) to prevent all attempts. You just have to use your head.
Pro tip: If a user registered three hours ago, the username is an incomprehensible mess, and they're sending you an unprecedented message with an attachment or link that claims to be something like "the password to get into my $34,000,000 bank account, trusted friend," it just might be a scam. You know, just, as a hunch.

Seriously, though, I want everyone to remember that, no matter how well-backed Sein is in matters of safety and security as a website, the only thing that I can do to prevent you from encountering file errors from other users is to tell you to use your heads. If you receive a message from any user, even one of my accounts, that you believe to have a malicious file, or you see a post in a forum that incites such suspicion, please forward the PM to any/all of my accounts here,, and/or Letting me know in the mChat can't hurt and is a nice way to make sure that it's hard for me to miss it, as well.
by K
Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:24 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Move successful!
Replies: 1
Views: 5005

Move successful!

For those of you that missed the memo, we have successfully moved from

Why: Believe it or not, we got hacked. It was a very severe hacking, too; even the online backups were corrupted. Due to lack of communication from Harrison, the owner of Escellsia, we also had no server control panel backups. Thankfully, I had just made a recent backup on my computer, so I was able to move it the hard way. This is why you may have not received prior notification.

What has changed: In terms of post content, nothing. We still have the best game in existence, bar-none. However, files were lost, which translates to a lack of all avatars and attachments. While I am working strongly to replace what I can (and have already fixed every single attachment of my characters in the Character Information category plus several others), I do not have backups of everyone else's files. Everyone is responsible for replacing their own avatars and attachments, but I will provide assistance where possible when asked. From now on, I have access to server-side backups, so any files that are uploaded to the site from here on out will be backed up flawlessly.
Links to threads with ".escellsia" in them have been changed accordingly in all posts plus the profile fields of my characters. Please go to your UCP and fix any such instances of your own character information links. If you find any false links elsewhere on the site, please inform me.
In other news, because my access is no longer limited in any way, I can upload and generate different styles, smilies, and other aesthetic values. More importantly, I can keep the site updated on hidden security measures and functionality. Please see relevant suggestion threads for further information on aesthetic changes.
As far as functionality changes, there are some new BBCodes (See the relevant thread or just mouse over the buttons in the "full editor" that appears when making a new post or when the BBCodes button is clicked on the chatbox.), mChat is working better, and we have an awesome, stable host, which happens to be named StableHost. See the donations thread for more details on that if interested.
There is a financial change: I now have to pay for the domain and the server. The prices aren't high, but anything looks high to a person with negative income. I'm not going to pass the fees onto the members, though. I strongly urge members to check out the new, revised thread on donations, but no compulsory fees will exist.

Anything else: Nope! There's no reason not to pick up right where you left off. The seamless integration of progress perpetuates indefinitely. Have fun! ^_^
Oh, and sorry that it took a while. My internet got cut off, my computer crashed (and the guy who fixed it took eons), my phone spontaneously super-died, my vehicle registration expired, and so on, so the time that it took to reinstall and otherwise fix things was actually fairly short, when put into perspective.

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