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by Laola
Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:11 am
Forum: Abilities
Topic: Facultates autem dolor -/WIP\-
Replies: 1
Views: 3090

Re: Facultates autem dolor -/WIP\-

Don't forget stats and parameters.

The racial (By the way, "dragon" and "lilith" should be decapitalized.) traits that give you elements do so in the form of standard elemental manipulations, or no?

"he has the ability to do multiple flips in the air" How is that a function of Samus' body? She can flip through the air because of her boots upgrade and the seemingly allmighty Screw Attack. More relevantly, how can Mori do multiple flips through the air?

Okay, Expurgate Pulmonis sounds savvy (though the statement that it works on "any" poison will be taken with a grain of salt, of course), since it's just a statement that you have an effective purification system for poisons with a rather high PS and time cost. If you want, you can make it work somewhat faster than you had originally planned.

Both instances of "if he were out of water" are phrased inadequately. I don't know what you're trying to say in either instance due to lack of grammar. Lol, Tixxi is hardly an ice girl; she's more of an aquatic chick with some ice tricks up her sleeves... xD One thing that gets me is the fact that Natator is just a "body enhancement," yet it offers no biological reason as to why Mori can breathe underwater without gills. I mean, basically every form of underwater breathing that I've heard of is either some form of gills, breathing through a tube that grants stored air, or not really breathing at all. Care to expound?

I don't see how Mors Imitatio is very effective (I mean, you get the notion that a body is dangerous... while it's playing dead...?), but okay. The percentages are just some sponbtaneous estimations, right? I mean, you could have a die roll for it, but I really don't think that you could easily make much sense of that with the present description...

I seee only two Cage Abilities...

I'm losing something, on Primordial Instinct. To begin, does the ATKSPD augment only take place for magic, or everything? Second, for the transformation, what the heck are you saying? " To activate this form Mori must use a certain chant to unlock two power holders located on his two hands, after that Mori will burst with power and become the Primordial Instinct." This doesn't show me anything. You don't have to awesomesauce all over everyone's face like Tixxi's transformations did, but, with a statement like this, you may as well not describe the transition at all. Next, you mention a time limit, but don't say what it is or what kind it is (e.g. "I can only activate thise once every X [time] for Y [time]," as opposed to "I can switch whenever I want, but only so that I can be in this form for Y [time] out of every X [time]," or perhaps just "I can take this form for X [time], after which I revert and can not switch back to it for Y [time]."), and you're not clear on other drawbacks. The reversion detriment will only be a problem early in the game, so what's the deal on the others? Are the detriments of the same magnitudes as the benefits of the form? How long do they last? I'm running on the assumption that you receive these detriments upon leaving the upgraded form, and they wear off after a while. These ailments, which you call status effects (although I fail to see them as such, since they can't be removed or otherwise augmented except by their own terms), need much clarification.

I smell an infinite ammo hack. You run around and use as much fuel as you want, then enter this form and every source is spontaneously capped out? What? How about not?
Do these explosive shots hit any harder, or is it just a radius-widening effect with an increased KB factor? After five consecutive shots, for how long do they overheat?
Where do these deployable turrets come from? Where do they get their ammo, and how much of it do they get? How many of these do you spontaneously obtain upon entrance to this form? What are their power factors, accuracy ratings, firing rates, and all? How big are they? I like the idea and all, but there are an awful lot of mechanical considerations to take into account for actual implementation. In a video game, the mechanics have already been decided by the programmers, but you're programming your own stuff, here. Also, in this game, what stuff you program has to be logical, so spontaneously having a bunch of turrets and microfusion cells doesn't really flow without a ton of explanation.
Null attacks, already? I'm more than a little skeptical. The fact that this apparently has a 1:1 cost:power ratio wouldn't bother me if it wasn't a null attack. The anti-phasing aspect to it doesn't strike me as a real problem, but note that, if you keep that, it will be kept within reason; some things are still going to phase through it with no trouble whatsoever.
I noticed that you specified even less for this form than the previous. There are no detriments, no costs, no limits, nothing. This form sounds more like a few cool ideas thrown into a hacked Jak/Rachet and Clank game than an actually acceptibly ability set.

You list more capabilities in the Fur Ingenium skillset description than you actually have in the respective abilities. ._.

Both of the movement abilities can be of negligible costs, if you'd like. You could even allow Umbra Pedum to totally cloak the sounds of your footsteps (rather than "barely audible," "totally inaudible.").

The Clamors have a certain element to them that makes them a bit unfair. Namely, you get to just shout out some quick words for spells that are apparently autohits (Since you don't state animations, they apparently just work on anyone who hears them except you.) and yield nice effects for costs that are disproportionally low. Serious down-tonage is required, here.

HP? -_- This is only proving my point that you didn't look into mechanics very much as you composed this. Also, how does armor deterioration drain my health? In the first place, what if the target's armor auto-repairs or can't be damaged/deteriorated by your magical shout? What's with the three different specs? Your description implies that you say all three words, then the effect takes place, but you then give a separate effect for each word. Does each individual word work like its own spell, just with each one being stronger and slightly more costly than the last? Now, you say that the ranges and radii are also upgraded, but you never state a range or radius for any of them. How does it even have a range at all if it's just an outward shout? Wouldn't that just be a radius from yourself, or does it go out in some other form? So, there's a limit on how frequently you can use it. It still sounds overpowered. At the end of all this, the numeric "hp" losses tell me that you clearly ripped this from elsewhere and made some adjustments without really considering the mechanics transition. Is this from Skyrim?

Do you remember the ordeal of deciding how to calculate the burning damage of Kaito's burns? There isn't a set definition for how much damage burns do; this isn't Poke`mon, Elder Scrolls, or any singular video game. You have to decide on your own mechanics. "Lightweight" and "heavyweight" are used improperly; the context calls for separate words in both instances, so that should be fixed for the sake of clarity. Again, you have the multiple specs issue. "while the flame lasts in its 15 second time period." Do you mean that the magical burning ceases after 15 seconds of ingition (or 15 seconds after the target is no longer being burnt by the spell), or what? This one's even more overpowered than the last; you have damage that can go up to an equivalence to the cost (depending on the variant), you have an apparently heavy flinch factor, you have a nice enough radius, the attack occurs quickly and is thereby quite likely to hit, and, if the targets stay in the affected area long enough (which brings up the question of whether the base power is struck as a single blow upon entry to the range or as continuous hits), you give targets a burn that deals what I assume to be decent damage over time (though I really can't tell, since you just made copy pasta of numeric measures from the game that you ripped this from). You apparently have three variants of this spell that all have the same cost, but clearly different magnitudes in every way, shape, and form, too. Awesome. Dude, don't just make copy pasta from some games with a couple edits; really look into mechanics. I had part of this struggle when Emma Cain made her abilities, too; I recommend taking a look in the char adoption center.

Some grammar and clear formatting would go a long way. In fact, I would work on that before going to the actual content, because a lot of this is just hard to wade through.

Overall, there are a lot of cool ideas going around, here, but you're too much in what I call "anime` mode." If you write up an anime`, you're the only writer, and it's your fiction, so things only have to work and make sense as much as you care to make them do so. If someone has some overpowered stuff, that's fine, because it works into your storyline however you want it to (e.g. Inuyasha having the Windscar start with incredible power and get severely more broken, because he's the good guy and is supposed to win). When you want something to happen, you draw it out, animate it, and it happened. Whoopdie-fuckin'-do. In "video game" mode, as I call it, you figure out all the mechanics. You figure out exactly what it does, how strong it is, exactly who it can hit and how, every detail of every effect, the appropriate cost, and all. Is it hard? Well, sure, if you're used to being lazy and going anime` mode all the time, but if you want to really be free to make your own character stuffs in a multiplayer game (read: where it has to be fair and logical), you gotta' step up to the plate and think shit through. Follow?

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