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Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:57 pm
by Casval Von Daikun
Locked Until Level 2 Casval has a set amount of Respawns (2). Each respawn, regardless of where he is, respawns him at the nearest city or guild, or his ship/airship/vehicle. Respawns are not refillable, nor can Casval in any way himself replenish them. Casval get's 2 respawns per Level and can only ever have a maximum of 4 at any time. Upon death, a single respawn is used, and upon death his current level unless the lowest is reduced by 1.

(out of 40)

Health Energy:3
Physical Stamina:5
Mental Stamina:5

Passive: Upon death, for 6 seconds until the ability is used, Casval grants a target ally both his Jammer and P-Field for 3.4 seconds at no cost.

[No Cost] Tactical Modes: Allows Casval to toggle between 3 passive modes. Only 1 Passive can be active at a time.
Regeneration: Slowly regenerates 1.75% of missing health per 2 seconds.
Green Aura around entire body.
OverDrive: Increases Allied and Self Attack Speed by 1 per level.
450 Radius*.
Gains 1 Per Level.
Red Aura around current weapon.
Augmented Speed: Increases Allied and Self Movement Speed by 1 per level.
450 Radius*.
Gains 1 Per Leve
Blue Aura around legs that adds a streak of light when moving.

[Magic Resist] Jammer: Calls forth a Shield from his Shield Generator Blade that protects from all forms of Magical for 1.2 seconds.

COST: 50 Mana
COOLDOWN (posts per level): 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1

[Physical Defense] P-Field: Calls forth a shield from his Shield Generator Blade that protects from all forms of Physical Damage for 1.2 seconds.

COST: 50 Mana
COOLDOWN (posts per level): 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1

[No Cost] Summoned Weapons: Allows Casval to choose from either his Micro Missile Launcher or his Shield Generator Blade
Micro Missile Launcher: Casval calls forth his Micro Missile Launcher switching to Ranged mode.
Shield Generator Blade: Casval calls forth his Shield Generator Blade switching to Melee while in Melee Mode OverDrive and Augmented Speed has a 1 increase and Regeneration has a 0.25% increase.

50 (Melee) (ST)
525 (Ranged) (MAG)

Re: [WIP]

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 12:46 am
by Ejio Tisco
Hi again, Bill. I don't think that your respawn idea will ever be put to use.

OverDrive and Augmented Speed modes give a pretty significant speed boost for no cost whatsoever. Either is pretty handy when you're alone, but, with allies, it's huge. They'll have to be toned down, as long as you're sticking to this numeric system.

Jammer and P-Field need serious work. For one, reducing damage from physical/magical sources, even by large amounts, is one thing, but total immunity is really pushing it, even for low durations. Additionally, I have no idea what a cost of "50 mana" is. Finally, once again, you need to give time limits for cooldowns, not post limits. In one battle, each post may be over a 7-second period. In another, each post may be half a second long. Post limits do not work.

The summoned weapons should be in an inventory list, not here.

Obviously, the increases of Melee mode to OverDrive and Augmented Speed modes are unfair, since they're already high amounts, to begin with.

What are those things at the end? Are they supposed to be power factors for those summoned weapons or something?

Re: [WIP]

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 2:11 am
by Casval Von Daikun
The Ranges are ranges, 525 inches of range for the missiles to have a homeing effect and 50 inches as maximum melee range.

The Two barriers, have massive cooldowns if I did do seconds wise, which should make up for their total immunity factors. Ill also return the original cooldowns that were 22 seconds long which scaled down per level to like 22/19/16/14 or something, I can return those to that way if that works better. So in other words, super long cooldown + massive mana cost = good ability, as would anything with a great cost.

about the 50 Mana, well, that has to change now, forgot to change it to percent, whatever it ends up being has to be large to compensate for such a large and powerful barrier.

As for the summoned weapons, they are more like what the green lantern would summon, making them more magical constructs than actual weapons. I'll add that to the description to clear things up.

I will also change the above parts for the two barriers to match that if it is okay.

Would the active passives, for OverDrive and Augmented Speed be okay if switching them cost a set amount of mana? No matter what, at any time, one has to be active, so in any situation, one is always active. I'll add that to the description.

The Melee Mode's increases will also be decreased as well, maybe like, 0.5 instead of a full 1, or even 0.25.

Re: [WIP]

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 3:09 am
by Shir-Nuzreh
Ah, I see. Long blade.

Well, that's not all that long a cooldown, but, yeah, that's more like it.

You can say that the cost is 50% of your original mana, which means that it's 50% at Lv1, about 38% at Lv2, and so on, because the cost isn't changing, but your maximum mana is.

Oh. You'll have to explain them in much more detail, since it seems odd for them to have bonus effects while equipped if they're like that.

I assumed as much, in regards to the constant mode deal. A mana cost over time would make more sense (with the regen mode having no cost, thus being an effective selection for allowing your mana and health energy to slowly recharge together), but, if you insist on a single cost per switch, it'll have to be a pretty high one so that it's fair much more often than not, since there's nothing but your own battle sense to stop you from paying a cost once, then having a SPD advantage that never goes away. In any case, as you'll see below, a numeric increase of +1 by your number system is a godhackitty-high increase, which means that you'll have to either tone it down in magnitude or make the cost even more ridiculous than that of your shields.
Also, I don't know if you're designing these party effects just because you intend for this guy to work with other chars or because you're actually going to add allies in his own design. If the latter, it's safe to assume that these boosts are overpowered without an absolutely ridiculous cost, and you also need to reduce your own stats to make room for those of the battle-capable allies.

0.25 is more reasonable. Mind you that that's still 1/16th of an average stat at Lv1, which means that it's a "slight" increase. You may have forgotten how we calculate increases in order to maintain fairness and not just fall one after another like a team of weak pokémon to a setup sweeper. If I say in relative terms that I gain an "average" increase to X stat, that wouldn't be a 4 on your system; it'd be a 0.5. This may help you to put into perspective the power of your passive modes as they are currently written.