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Shadowed Claws

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:41 am
by Ceodore Wolfgang
Subspace Coat/Fur: The coat that he wears has pockets that store inanimate objects into a subspace bank. Anything that can't fit can just be teleported in by pointing an open pocket at it, but not if it is in someone else's grip. His Wolf Form's fur works the same, absorbing inanimate objects to be teleported to the subspace bank.

Grey Anubis: This is an adamantite katana that Komolo uses in his swift strikes. It is used for range (being 10 feet long) and power. It is enchanted with a "Striker" ability, which slightly increases its power in tough times (in critical health). It is very heavy, but Komo usually wields it with one hand and has shown that he has stunning accuracy with it. It also has an enchantment that makes it tougher than normal adamantite, but technically it is still breakable.
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Blood Kunai: When Komo bleeds, he can will his blood into collecting into a kunai almost immediately. The kunai can not be held by others, and will burst into blood and reform into Komo's hand if someone tries. Komo can also hold them up to an open wound or over his mouth and convert them back into blood to heal himself, but he can only get 1/10 of the spilled blood as of yet.

Ragnarok Fang: Komo's scythe is infused with necrotic energy. This is an unbreakable, hand-me-down, exclusive scythe that is usually extrademsionally embedded into his body. Komo must call its name to summon it to his hands. Its necrotic energy is an exclusive form of necrotic energy that can't be affected by necromancy, and it charges his body for a tiny boost in speed, strength, magic, defense, and resistance. It isn't as long or lightweight as the Grey Anubis, but the stat improvements make up for that.
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Trick Daggers: These are six daggers that he uses for close-range combat. When he wields them, they grant him a tiny speed boost, but they aren't as strong as the other weapons. These are attached to strings of an unknown and apparently unbreakable substance that are attached to his coat and are thereby almost impossible for to separate from him.

Disaster Claws: His claws give him a slight boost to speed and acrobatics. They also enhance the power of his wind attacks.

Martyr and Rebirth: Two desert eagles whose barrels reach 7 feet long, contain the power to both purify life as well as harm it if the right incantations are said. In other words Komo can use spells such as Esuna, Fire, Fira, Thunder, and Thundara, if he has the guns currently equipped. The guns are made of 3 monster cores (The cores are from the same species of Dreadnought), daedric metal, and the spirit of a vampire known as Ashlan Shuiro. The guns use .50 cal bullets and the long barrel improves their accuracy but it is still a bit difficult to hit opponents by using these types of bullets. The firing rate is just a tad bit faster than normal guns for characters but is barely noticeable. The guns have no other powers besides granting small spellcasting to Komo. The incantations take about 2 seconds to say and are based on the position of both of the guns, Komo needs to stand still as he does this. Martyr and Rebirth's barrels facing each other casts Thunder, if saying another incantation while in this position it will cast Thundara, the second incantation takes about 3 seconds to say. Martyr and Rebirth, one pointing up and another pointing down, depending on incantation and position of guns equals Fire or Fira. Rebirth pointing upward and 3 second incantation equals Fira, Martyr pointing upward and 2 second incantation equals Fire. Both guns hammers face each other and 4 second incantation equals Esuna. Fire, Thunder, and Esuna= Small mana cost and cant be spammed. Fira and Thundara= Medium mana cost and not spammable.
Fire: Comes out as three small fire balls that shoot out quickly towards the opponent. The two fireballs on the side after a few seconds, collide into the middle fire ball to make an explosion of 5 feet. The Fira version has 6 fireballs that shoot out the opponent and after a few seconds try to surround the opponent by having a slight homing effect, if surrounded they will close in in an attempt to collide with both the opponent and themselves to create an explosion of 8 feet.
Thunder: Komo pulls the trigger to shoot an electrical current that can turn once in order to close in on an opponent, if hit by the thunder, the opponent will be stunned for a quick second. Thundara has a bigger electrical current that is about 3 feet wider and the stun lasts for a few seconds instead of just a quick second. The stun can be cured using Esuna or basic status restoring potions.
Esuna: Uses the guns to shoot a green stream of energy that rids of standard poisons, burns, stun, etc.

Blood Extract: This handy vial of blood refills itself after all ingrediants are obtained and mashed together after which, Komo must add a pint of his own blood to the mix and pour it into the vial. It can energize Komolo, regenerate minor wounds and a few major wounds, and restore a good deal of health energy. It also replenishes a good amount of any lost mana. It can only be used thrice per battle, as it has only enough for three doses.

.50 cal bullets= 2,000 bullets

Re: Shadowed Claws

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:04 pm
by K
This is temporarily approved. I want Bianca or Max to see this before your approval is finalized, but you may begin role-playing for now.

Re: Shadowed Claws

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:13 pm
by Tixxi Eldixac
Start with less ammo. Also, you don't need separate numbers for how many you have total and how many you have excluding loaded shots.

Specify the available spells. The phrase, "stuff like Esuna and Fire" = not specific enough.

What's the firing rate? Are they of the same power factor as typical guns for chars?

Re: Shadowed Claws

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:21 pm
by Ceodore Wolfgang

Re: Shadowed Claws

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:28 pm
by Tixxi Eldixac
Better, but you need to specify the incantations and casting methods.

Re: Shadowed Claws

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:14 am
by Tixxi Eldixac
"casting methods"
You can't just say that you cast Fire or Thundara. There are different versions across the FF games, not to mention alternative methods. Do you shoot little orbs of elemental magic out? Do you detonate them so that they burst outward in a small area from the centerpoints of enemies in the targeted area? What's the range/radius of each? Et cetera, et cetera.

Re: Shadowed Claws

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:30 am
by Ceodore Wolfgang

Re: Shadowed Claws

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:37 am
by Tixxi Eldixac
Are the explosion sizes expressed by diameter or radius? Either way, the explosions are of significant enough size that you can be sure that the power factors will be quite low.
You didn't write Thundara out...

Re: Shadowed Claws

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:39 am
by Ceodore Wolfgang
Yeah i did write it out O_O and yeah it's expressed in Radius and because Komo isn't a magic user all that well the damage is low hehe :)

Re: Shadowed Claws

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:41 am
by Ceodore Wolfgang
Oh what had happen i think that i did the ctrl code that erased it cuz it was highlighted :P sorry about that, i wrote it back out :)

Re: Shadowed Claws

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:05 am
by Tixxi Eldixac
I just noticed that you called it a "magic" cost, not a mana cost. Specify what you spend, and the changes will be approved.

Re: Shadowed Claws

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:10 am
by Ceodore Wolfgang
ok specified? O_O

Re: Shadowed Claws

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:16 am
by Tixxi Eldixac
Looks good enough. Mantra is usually listed to be used before approval (i.e. the exact phrase that you say for each), but you gave relative time frames for them, so it's good enough. I would recommend some proofreading so that people can read this without straining their eyes, though.

Update approved.