One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Like most forests, especially those that are so dense, this one has its fair share of rumors and legends about it, but this particular one has a special significance in the archaic mythology of those who once inhabited Nature's Artifice, and it is still said to be the stomping grounds of more than a few obscenely fantastic beings. Its enchantments constantly shift its geography, giving it a permanent "Lost Woods" effect. Thus, after traveling in it for random periods of time, most prefer to just fly over it.
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Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Post by King Erik » Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:02 am

As the dragon moved towards Erik and tG he would wtch tG move away. Taking this as his cue to fight he would move towards the dragon himself. Unaware of the swelling he would keep moving. Gripping the handle of the hammer he would twist his hand on the top causing a waterfall style attack to drop from the sky toward the dragon. He would twist his hand the other way to make the water turn into lance as the last moment.

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Post by NPA » Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:30 pm

_Just after Erik spent the last of his mana and chakra on that water attack, the dragon's excess mist exploded outward, covering about a quarter of the thickets, yet only affecting the five characters. With that radius at an explosion speed that exceeded 400 mph, it wasn't an autohit, but it may as well have been. The mist dealt a fair amount of damage to each of them, then lingered in the air for a bit. It then collected back into the dragon all at once and was absorbed. The dragon paused for a second afterward, then lashed its tail at Erik, since Erik was approaching the tyrant from behind._

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Post by Laola » Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:06 pm

*The two guards were somewhat frustrated, but the damage was miniscule, to them. They kept hiding by slithering through the trees and maintaining some distance, though not too much . . . Laola was thrown off her path a bit, but recovered by wrapping her tail around a branch and swinging back up. She wondered if Erik realized that he was about to run right into her thistle and was glad that she hadn't yet poisoned the needles. Since Erik didn't seem to be too conscious of friendly fire, some protective skills were in order.*

Ironbark, Larch, Tsuga . . .

*She cast these on the thorns and other plants that were fairly close to the dragon and Erik. No changes were immediately evident, but they were resistant to fire, water, and ice attacks.*

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Post by the General » Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:30 pm

The General would be struck by the attack and withouut having his blade up to defend be tossed backwards and towards the ground. His jets would try and autocompensate but they wouldent do well enough and before he knew it he would be hitting a tree.
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Post by King Erik » Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:42 pm

As the explosion slammed into Erik he would brush it off as if it wasn't there, it did hurt him but he just wanted to be tough. As the dragons tail came for him he would clench his fist and punch for it charging his hand with Kydarin energies for some extra damage. This meant right before his punch hit he would fire a beam of Kydarin energy. His other hand came up hoping to catch the tail after he punched it. Even if this didn't work he didn't care.

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Post by NPA » Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:01 pm

_The tail met tough guy's fist about as one would expect it; Erik's arm was crunched in as he was swatted into a tree that was less than two feet behind him. The dragon pivoted rather slowly about, then swept its mouth diagonally downward and to its left (in the direction that it had just been facing) in a savage bite attack as Erik was peeling himself off the tree._

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Post by Laola » Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:01 am

*Laola watched worriedly. There were thorns just a foot in front of the hammer-wielder, and he seemed to suck with ranged combat. Her seeds and thorns were helping against the tyrant, but not as much as she'd like, and they were all hurt.*

Yarrow . . .

*Several flowers that were pointed at Erik shot beams to heal a little HE (no tissue damage or physical stamina). Laola got a little closer as her guards approached much more quickly to get some healing from the beams. Laola was just out of the dragon's tail range as her guards got back to hiding and watching.*

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Post by the General » Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:06 am

After the General had come to a stop he would fire his binding tethers for the dragons neck and at the same time fire two much faster hammer head missiles to clear the path for the binding tethers. He would then draw Banriu and fire off a spray of it's ice shards.
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Post by King Erik » Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:32 am

As he was tossed backwards he would fling his hammer towards the beast. As his hammer flew towards the beast its air manipulation would activate propelliing the hammer towards the dragon. He would hit the tree then slide down onto his feet.

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Post by NPA » Mon Jan 10, 2011 6:36 pm

_The hammer and wind passed right through the dragon, so the attack just resulted in damage to another tree. The Hammerhead missiles struck the dragon, as did the tethers, initially. Just after they began to tie about the tyrant, though, they phased through it and dropped to the ground. The overgrown lizard performed another bite at Erik as the ice shards struck it. This thing was strong, so Erik wouldn't be able to take much more of this, even with Laola's miniscule healing as they went._

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Post by the General » Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:59 pm

The General would fire two Neural Disruptors and follow with another slew of ice shards aimed at the dragons head. He would stand his ground hoping his shard would also help erik escape
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Post by King Erik » Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:08 am

Erik would push off. The tree behind him and push himself to the left and forwards into a roll. He would roll beside the dragon just as thhe shards would be hitting.

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Post by NPA » Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:02 pm

((I'm not even gonna' ask how you stand your ground while you're falling . . . By the way, I want you to realize that your ice shards are only getting through the trees because of their effect to pass through one thing each, but the missiles are being somewhat thrown by the trees . . . This is a thicket, after all.))

_As Erik rolled right into the large, sharp thisle, the dragon performed a spin attack. It was a damned good thing that it wasn't bright enough to yet finish Erik off, as Erik was being pretty suicidal. Its spin left it vulnerable to the missiles, though their nearal disruption had no effect. It also drew Laola and Erik inward, guaranteeing its hit against Erik and quite nearly guaranteeing the hit against Laola. Its high knockback factor would surely send any struck targets into nearby trees, but the wall rush and the initial hit together on each target wasn't as strong as its bite. It came close, though._

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Post by Laola » Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:41 pm

*Laola was a bit distracted by the fact that Erik had just rolled into her thistle, despite the fact that he was taking heavy damage. The distraction wasn't much, but she didn't stand much of a chance to get out of the way, anyway. As she was knocked into a tree that was just a couple feet behind her, she considered letting the reckless man die; she could put her healing to better use, and if he was just gonna' get himself killed, anyway . . .*

"Let the flower absorb you . . . Peony . . ."

*Laola grew a flower underneath wherever Erik was at the end of the spin attack, then it tried to absorb Erik into the attached vine. She manipulated a bunch of other vines, though not all of them, to lash at the tyrant as the seeds from the flowers that coated them continued to pelt the dragon. She meanwhile began to grow a flower on her hand, as she usually did.*

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Post by the General » Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:19 pm

the General would land on the ground (to make things make sense again) he would then smile and jumpjets straight for the dragon, he would fire two metaphysical missiles and would have them detonate as they entered the tyrant dragon. He would sheath Banriu and fling it past the dragon, its ability to be manipulated would allow it to move around any trees come back and strike the dragon from behind.
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