One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Like most forests, especially those that are so dense, this one has its fair share of rumors and legends about it, but this particular one has a special significance in the archaic mythology of those who once inhabited Nature's Artifice, and it is still said to be the stomping grounds of more than a few obscenely fantastic beings. Its enchantments constantly shift its geography, giving it a permanent "Lost Woods" effect. Thus, after traveling in it for random periods of time, most prefer to just fly over it.
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Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Post by King Erik » Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:14 am

As Erik rolled into the thistle he was hoping that the dragon was dumb enough to attack him and the thistle.
He would remain where he was letting the flower absorb him, he needed to get close to his hammer else he be fucked.

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Post by NPA » Wed Jan 12, 2011 8:42 pm

_Since the thistle was just a collection of natural spikes, there wasn't much that the dragon could do to harm them, though its spin attack slapped some tips off. As Erik vanished from sight, the tyrant began to glow all purple-blue-reddish. Shortly after it began, the glow stopped, and the dragon opened its maw as it cast GreatThundara to strike Laola and General with decent lightning-elemental damage (which the metallic legs will not protect against, in case you'd forgotten). The bolts (in sets of three per target) seemed to strike from above, but they dealt no damage until bursting from a focal point where the targets initially were, just as with all classic Black Magic spells. ((That is, the animation is a classic and simple one, but protecting yourself from spells that strike from above helps you none with this.))_

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Post by Laola » Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:10 pm

*Laola wasn't fast enough to get out of the way, with or without the obstacles. General wouldn't be able to turn around and get out of the spell's radius in nearly enough time; he'd probably get fucked before he could even complete a turn, particularly in these conditions. That meant that her healing would have to continue to be split up . . . At least Erik was temporarily out of the equation. As G drew near, Laola approached him and focused as many flowers on their spot as she could, then stood by him to take in some healing with him. She'd release Erik a bit later, so that her healing would only be split between two units at once.*

"Hold still long enough to get some healing . . ."

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Post by the General » Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:25 pm

​As the dragon began to glow its colours the General would rapidly begin bursting to his left(this move done without having to turn or pivot himself as his verniers do all the work), then to his right around a tree, then upwards over a thistle and forwards past another tree allowing his movements to be unpredictable and sporadic. While he was moving forwards he would fire two metaphysical missiles in the direction of the dragon, they were fired at the best angle to make them go close to the dragon as possible so their proximity timer would kick in. He would immedietly land to let his jets recharge.
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Post by NPA » Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:08 am

_Since G had managed to effectively sidestep the spell, despite the surroundings and his forward momentum, he was okay, but the tyrant had high magic, so Laola took some mean damage as the dragon took the MEMs, just like it had taken the previous MEMs and the sword (the latter being close to a miss, but still managing to strike it). G was close, now, so the giruveganus-like creature lashed at G with its massive maw._

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Post by Laola » Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:25 am

*The downside to G's evasion was that it made it hard for Laola to get many healing shots on him; he hardly was healed at all, but at least her little grove was helping her. Unfortunately, this meant that her offensive measures against the dragon were limited to whatever flowers didn't have a clear shot at an ally (aside from the partially broken thistle), but that was fine. She meanwhile focused her energies on growing the thorns back up, making them jab back into the dragon . . . when it wasn't phasing through junk. She wanted to try poisoning it with something else, but some people were being a bit too reckless . . . She summoned Erik behind her and to her left.*

"Hold still and take the healing for a bit . . . If that thing hits you with a good spell, you're finished . . ."

*Laola wondered if Erik even realized how much he'd been getting smacked around . . . Was this guy suicidal?*
"Had you any faith, you could succeed tremendously."

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Post by the General » Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:02 am

As the dragon went to eat the General his sword would return to his hand, at this time her would fire two neural missiles and fire his binding tether behind him at the top of the tree that was behind him, he would then retract them and begin moving up over the thistle he jumped and towards the top of the tree. While moving he would draw forth the core blade and swing it to cover his get away.
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Post by King Erik » Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:08 am

Erik would look around for a moment to pick up where the dragon was, once he knew where it was he would tap his hammer onto the ground letting it manipulate the earth to form spikes beneath the dragon but not where he could detect the General's presencs.

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Post by NPA » Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:01 pm

((Not where he could detect the General's prescence . . .?))

_The tyrant didn't seem to mind the sword striking its head, and there was still no tissue damage. The flinch factor from the sword was, as before, negated completely, so the enemy still got to clamp its faws on G's legs for a moment. The earth spikes initially phased through the dragon, but they worked when the creature was vulnerable again. It charged forth, trampling thorns and spikes as it went, to again bite at Erik._

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Post by Laola » Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:56 pm

*Laola grabbed the back of Erik's head and pushed it forward while pointing downward.*

"Those flowers that you just squashed are what's healing us; do you have to smash things to manipulate elements?"

*Laola was glowering at Erik rather fiercely. Despite her rather petite figure and cute face, her glares were deadly. When the dragon approached, she moved backward and dedicated more flowers to shooting seeds while focusing all healing efforts on Erik. This guy clearly overestimated himself, but Laola didn't want him to learn the hardest way. Rebekah called out from what sounded like somewhere behind Laola, although Asher and she seemed to have headed the other way.*

If that thing knows GreatThundara, it probably knows FeyThundaga or worse! That guy needs to get hit less!
"Had you any faith, you could succeed tremendously."

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Post by the General » Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:14 pm

As the dragon clamped down on the General's legs the sword slash to it head would become a direct hit. The dragon would then turn its back and charge off towards Erik. He would use this opening to fire a volley or. Ice shards for the dragon as well as another salvo of 2 metaphysical missiles again. At this point he would be retracted all the way towards the tree.
Last edited by the General on Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by King Erik » Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:18 pm

"I don't manipulate the elements this hammer does" he would say running to his left as to get out of the tyrants way.

As the dragon charged at Erik he would slam his hammer into the nearest tree he was running by to knock it into the path of the oncoming dragon.

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Post by NPA » Thu Jan 13, 2011 9:26 pm

((I said that I bit your legs for a bit, not that I stopped you from being pulled into the tree. I'm not ignoring you; Erik is just closer. Yes, I said that the sword hit me, and the missiles obviously did the same. By the way, we established that G's MAG isn't high enough to use three missiles at once, so that has to be edited. In fact, the fact that I'm allowing two missiles at once means that they have to be rather small, weak missiles.))

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Post by the General » Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:45 am

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Post by NPA » Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:39 pm

_The dragon stopped charging when the tree got in its way. The MEMs phased through it uselessly, detonating against the ground. Once the tree had fallen, smashing many of the flowers that were being used to hurt the tyrant and heal Erik, it simply leaned over the fallen tree to continue its assault, further damaging Erik ((since it's the same attack from before, but you already used your chance to dodge on a minor deterrent)). The mist began to flare up again . . ._

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