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Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:07 am
by Laola
*Laola slithered around the first of the two attacks, then Quick Ran to get close to the protective area. With a High Jump, she managed to get away from the second attack by the skin of her proverbial teeth. In the air, she Quick Ran to grab a tree branch and slither about it to hold her position in the treetops. Rebekah and Asher were poised to help if necessary, but knew of the help that was on the way. Laola didn't want to spend too much energy, so she just stood on the branch, somewhat scathed, while watching intently to see if she could manage some more evasion, thereby stalling to build her energies back up.*

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:31 pm
by the General
the General would simply stay put inside the protection Laola created and remain on the defensive.

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:46 pm
by Blackjack3
*I rush in, with the dragon and his potential quary in view I notice the dome and its occupant, the woman, and the unmissable dragon. *
"HEMES, try and pull the male out of here so he can recover, GO-CODE, YELLOW SMOKE! CODRO, engage the floating quadraped, GO-CODE, RED SMOKE,
*I dash attack with a shoulder ram and a horizontal sweep to the left and jump away, after which CODRO opens fire with his assault rife, using one mag and a single grenade*

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 5:55 am
by Revil
After the assault rifle was ffired Revil would let loose using his shoulder mounted cannons, he would add a spray of bulllets into the mix all targeted for the dragon

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:47 pm
by NPA
((I float, now? I'm quadrapedal? Think more like a misty t-rex.))

_The creature phased through the horizontal attack ((with the small katana, I'm assuming)), and only half of CODRO's bullets struck, as the foe alternated between phasing and reality. The grenade was successful, though, as it detonated just before an instance in which the dragon re-entered reality. By sheer instinct, the tyrant held its place in the dimensions to perform a couple of bite attacks at Blackjack3, which guaranteed the success of Revil's bullets. Naturally, it was the bullets that ran on a replenishing energy source that weren't wasted._

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:01 pm
by Laola
Don't evacuate him; he's safe where he is!

*Laola had just spent a bunch of energy to secure G's safety as he was getting healed, so she didn't want to see that go to waste. On the other hand, maybe getting him out of here could be a good idea . . . It was hard to say, really. These guys were helping, though, so she had to help them. She manipulated a branch that was next to her head to break partway, then spent a bit more chakra to help her bend and reshape it into a round shield. Some wood was left over from the initial shield shape to allow her to make it a spined shield, so she did so. Some nearby vines were braided, then threaded through a pair of knotholes to be used as a buckler, nearly completing the job.*

Oak, Birch, Magnolia . . .

*The wood became much, much harder, and the vines also became somewhat harder. The shield was a bit heavier, but not as much as it was tougher, and it smelled pretty, too. Laola tossed it down to Blackjack3.*


Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:18 am
by the General
Sensing the pounding and movements of the Dragon the General would wait a few second the draw his core blade from banriu unleashing a volley of shards at the dragon while it was distracted with the others, the shards would strike the dome and phase through it using their phasing ability and keep going for the dragon. . Remaining crouched down he would sheath the core blade into the shell blade forming banriu again. From there he would hold it up like a shield and hope the dragon would be physical if it came his way.

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 9:19 pm
by Blackjack3
*I disconnect from LICA long enough to strap the shield to my front for some extra protection, reconnect, and engage with the scythe with two quick horizontal slashes, then post up in a deffensive stance between the "Misty T-Rex" and The General.*
*CODRO reloads*
*HEMES stands fast, ready to engage in any way possible to protect his assigned target until he can escape with him*

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:21 pm
by Revil
Revil would fire his shoulder mounted cannons again but instead of firing bullets again he would fire another shot of pulse energy instead. He would run to his left to avoid being an easy target.

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:42 am
by NPA
((Uh, you never said that you could shoot those pulses from your shoulder-mounted cannons . . . I really don't care, though, at this point.))

_Blackjack3's slashes were timed luckily, as they both connected within a single period of physicality. The ice shards were a bit off, though; they all went through the foe harmlessly. Revil's shots were about 75% successful, so the damage was racking up nicely. The tyrant launched an incredibly rapid spin attack that mystically drew everyone in. G was safe, being firmly anchored, and the other liliths were out of range, but all others were almost inevitably doomed to be struck by this fairly powerful tail spin. Even a random, passerby goblin was caught in the mess and mauled, but that attack alone wasn't enough to finish Laola. At this point, though, everyone was in grave danger; the creature held its place as its body flared more than ten times as much as it previously had. This couldn't end well._

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:37 am
by Laola
*Laola now felt bad about helping the new guys. They had just entered, and they had full health; it was her that needed protection! It was too late, now; that oncoming attack may be able to one-shot her, and, even if it couldn't, unless its charge time was drastically increased, she couldn't heal herself enough to withstand it. That's what she predicted, anyway. At any rate, this was their chance to strike it as much as they wanted, so maybe they could kill it before it killed them.*

Don't hold back . . . Malva, Thistle . . .

*Laola spent oodles of her energies on mini-quakes, spiney vine attacks, rock shots, and additions to her ever-growing collection of seed-turrets. She left just enough room on the opponent's body for the party to safely get their physical attacks in, too. Hers were a simple barrage of straights, as they were fairly powerful, but not so spacious as to obstruct her allies from helping.*

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 6:40 pm
by the General
In succession to his last firing of the Shards he would fling another shot of sharfs at the dragon. This shot would weaken the structural integrety of the dome.

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:24 pm
by Blackjack3
*I notice Laola's poor state.*
"HEMES, Target change to female, GO-CODE, YELLOW SMOKE"
*I jump, placing my self between Laola and Mr.Rex, and hold the scythe out to keep the creature at a distance*
*HEMES steps forward to accept the female passenger*
*CODRO, calculating for the error in projectile discharge, moves towards HEMES and loads up with theHevy Assault loadout, and prepares to engage in close combat*
"CODRO, with me, GO-CODE, YELLOW SMOKE! Your up Revil. Make it count, Sir. "

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 8:49 pm
by Revil
Revil would draw forth his two Kinetic Pistols making the other weapons vanish. He would then fire his shoulder cannons then each pistol twice the cannons shots fired in 1 second gaps times perfectly with the gun shots to increase thew chance of hitting the dragons physical body. He would remain where he was ready to strike again.

Re: One Thicket, Two Constructs And Three Lilith

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:44 pm
by NPA
_How Revil just magically knew about the tyrant's phasing ability and could dictate that it always occurred in such predictable intervals was foolish, but irrelevant, as the dragon simply stood there with its body flaring, focusing all its will into charging the oncoming attack in this dimension-intersection._