Raevehm Growth

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Raevehm Growth

Post by Laola » Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:06 am

Laola has an ever-expanding list of abilities, because she has an ever-expanding knowledge of her already present powers, in addition to normal ability add-ons. All of her abilities rely on elements, biology, and growth, other than her classic lilith powers.

Earth Manipulation- standard earth manipulation with no special features and no special limits

Outreach: These are abilities that are based on the theme of growing outward, from biological growths to the fact that these abilities have /grown/ into non-biological capabilities.
Grow- This is one of her main abilities. It can very slowly cause non-living objects to expand, reducing density. It can cause living objects to grow very rapidly by multiplying cells with DNA and constitutional modifications that make them fit her wants and needs (so that she can grow vines and thorns from her body, grow berries on vines, grow bark on skin, grow flowers from your foot [Not just fungus! xD], or whatever). Note that growth from any sentient and conscious life-form (i.e. other characters) must be by consent. The ability somehow can tell whether the being approves of her affect on them, although Laola has no mind-reading power.
Expect to see berries from various games, including Poke`mon games and Super Mario Galaxy 2.
Ungrow- Another main ability, the counterpart to Grow. It simply allows her to reverse the effects of Grow by absorbing grown plants or simply reversing her energies on other objects. The speed at which she can Ungrow what she has Grown is five times the rate of Grow, so she can fix her mistakes easily.

Lightbringer- Among the most unique biological abilities are those that allow her to give biological objects properties of iridescence (different colors from different angles), fluorescence (When light is absorbed, it emits light in higher-frequency, lower-wavelength, and thusly more visible waves are emitted.), luminescence (non-heat light), and/or incandescence (heat light).

Injection- Chemicals, whether fluid or not, can be slowly injected from thorns, spines, teeth, horns, and the like, or can be ingested. Note that many poisons can easily be deadly, but Laola's are never overpowered. Also, any injected being, even if non-living, can be tracked by Laola's Growing Perception.
Once she is Lv5+ and has trained for it, she will learn the following:
Growing Threat- For the next 15 minutes (unless recast), her maximum health energy is doubled. Of course, the cost is somewhat hefty.
Raevehm Botany: These are a skillset of abilities that only work on plants.
Erica- causes plants that grow flowers to be able to do so in mass, potentially covering every part of said plant in buds, then flowers; makes plants into landscape/garden plants

Safflower- causes leaves to grow long, sharp spines (proportional, but not so long; typical leaves will grow spines that're only a couple of cm long, and it would take huge leaves for spines of any great length by this ability alone) and causes roots to become better taproots

Melissa- causes flowers to produce rich nectar (which powerfully attracts bees) and gives leaves a lemon-like attribute that makes them able to be used for a calming herbal tea, fruit salads, jellies, iced tea, and a substitute for lemon peel in cooking (just as in "lemon balm", "melissa officinalis")

Allium- causes plants to produce chemicals to grant tastes of garlic, chives, onions, leeks, or other related plants

Silene- causes plants to generate a mildly hallucinogenic and narcotic chemical (This is based on the following:
Silene undulata is used by the Xhosa tribe in Africa as an oneirogenic agent. Reputedly, a small amount of the root bark of this species is pulverized with water to produce a white froth. This froth is then sucked off and swallowed. The user's dreams for the following several nights are said to be more vivid and memorable than usual, although no effects are felt while awake.)

Digitalis- causes plants to produce a powerfully toxic chemical (though not nearly so potent as actual digitalis plants), which can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, wild hallucinations, delirium, severe headaches, and (in much, much larger doses than it takes from actual digitalis plants) death

Muscari- causes buds to become urn-shaped, and can also cause such buds to fuse together into a larger urn
Belladonna- This causes foliage (leaves) and berries to produce a powerful toxin (though not even close to the power of actual belladonnas) that causes dilated pupils, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, tachycardia (increased heart rate), loss of balance, staggering, headache, rash, flushing, dry mouth and throat, slurred speech, urinary retention, constipation, confusion, bizarre hallucinations and delirium, convulsions, and (with an intensely larger dosage than that of actual belladonnas) death (This is because it disrupts the nervous system's ability to regulate non-volitional activities, such as sweating, breathing, and heart rate.); additional symptoms include paralysis and narcosis (in animals) as well as memory loss, inability to learn, and more. (This is because it then disrupts the brain's functions. For some reason, rabbits and cattle seem to be unaffected. Then again, they don't eat very much of it, either.)

Aconitum- causes plants to become hardier to attacks and environmental conditions, and causes them to produce a juice that causes gastrointestinal disorders, then burning, numbness, and tingling sensations in the mouth and face, along with abdominal pain (smaller doses); can also inflict cardiovascular conditions, sweating, dizziness, breathing difficulty, headaches, and confusion (small-medium doses); death is usually caused by paralysis of the heart and/or respiratory system, which can be a result of very large doses; the juice can be secreted VERY easily (just from a touch) from leaves and is easily and quickly absorbed via the skin (If you think that this sounds bad, you should read how strong real aconitum is, because that stuff can kill you almost instantaneously, in large doses. Don't worry; I'm going to keep this toned-down enough that it's not going to be nearly so bad as it sounds. There just isn't really a way to express its symptoms without making it sound so strong.)

Yarrow- causes a cluster of flowers to shoot a beam of remedial energy (heals a bit and cures some ailments)

Malva- gives flowers the ability to act as seed cannons (since malvas classically have easily procured and spread seeds)

Peony- causes buds to secrete nectar and petals to assimilate things (If it is a conscious and sentient being, the assimilation must be consensual.) via contact into a subspace dimension/summon things from said subspace dimension, thereby allowing a hiding capability in addition to transportation from petal to petal
(inspired by the folklore of mischievous nymphs hiding in peony petals)

Anise- gives plants a sweet aroma and taste, much like liquorice, fennel, and tarragon, thereby increasing usage in culinary and alcoholic aspects

Helianthus- purifies plants of foreign pathogens (inspired by the fact that helianthus plants are sterile) while slightly boosting photosynthesis capabilities

Thistle- causes plants to grow sharp prickles all over, especially on the margins of the leaves

Magnolia- causes plants to become very tough while causing leaves to become very sturdy (so that they can hold stuff up, be used as plates, et cetera)

Lotus- causes buds to cool, flowers to heat and produce more nectar and pollen, and roots and seeds to gain properties that make them ideal for cooking (specifically, in many Asian dishes)

Dahlia- causes flowers to blossom and flourish in addition to their norm, making them larger and prettier, while causing them to gain readily edible properties

Bellflower- causes flowers to take a bell-like shape and produce bell-like sounds when struck; louder sounds are generated when such strikes are magical

Lunatic- causes plants to become extra-compatible with the moon, allowing them to photosynthesise from moonbeams as though they were in the sun

Sequoia- increases lifespan of plants and allows them to more efficiently stack on themselves and each other, allowing them to grow taller

Cedar- gives plants a nice smell and a smooth feel

Pine- makes foliage into needle-leaves, wood becomes excellent material for timber and wood pulp, plants produce cones with pine nuts for culinary capabilities; also makes them evergreen

Oak- gives plants a nice smell and increased resilience to water; also makes wood noticeably harder

Spruce- gives wood long fibres that make wood ideal for strong paper, construction (although for indoor use, due to lack of resistance to bugs), musical instruments, and other artifices; causes wood to produce a resin that makes excellent pitch and a sap that makes excellent gum; causes leaves and branches to become brewing material for spruce beer; causes the tips of needle-leaves to become material for spruce tip syrup; makes plants more readily edible, high in Vitamin C; allows water to be stored in needle-leaves

Birch- increases water resistance of wood; makes wood stronger without increasing weight; causes wood to grow a sap that can be made into a wine; makes wood into excellent, easily ignited firewood

Tsuga- causes plants to become resilient to cold environs and ice/cold-based attacks; also makes them evergreen
Laola will learn an expansion to the former.
Wintresce- coats plants in snow/ice/sleet and cools anything that touches them
Ironbark- causes plants to become resilient to hot environs and fire/heat-based attacks; also makes wood rougher and thicker by disabling the shedding of dead bark
Laola will learn an expansion to the former.
Infernesce- coats plants in flames and heats anything that touches them
Larch- causes plants to sharply increase in water-resistance and become resistant to rotting
Laola will learn an expansion to the former.
Hydresce- coats plants in a pulsing current of water that damages and has a significant knockback factor (proportionally)
Poison Fang: Venomous beauty is the weapon of a lilith. Most liliths have some manner of storm- and night-related abilities, but Laola is one exception, for reasons that are unknown and probably synonymous to the reasons for her special powers.
Hand Slap (only ability that doesn't have a cost)- open-handed slap with a huge flinch factor; therefore almost guaranteed to delay or fully interrupt an opponent

Poison Frog (range of 3 meters, small enough cost)- summoning of a puff of green magic from below a target that inflicts a mild poison (Immunities and antidotes are common, and the health energy loss isn't too terrible.); an enemy that is afflicted with this while unconscious or knocked unconscious after being afflicted with this turns into a toad. . . which liliths eat. . .

Sweet Kiss- Lips glow pink (This shines through saps, resins, honey, yada yada; she can't hide this warning glow. Also, the cost is about the same as Poison Frog.), then she launches at and kisses the target, charming them. Charmed opponents are restricted (or hindered, at least) from attacking Laola, hindered (at least slightly) from attacking her allies, and may turn on their allies that they are not highly attached to.
(The base time that someone is charmed is 30 seconds. That multiplies with Levelling, increases with training, and means nothing if the target is struck; a charmed foe that takes damage gets to 'snap-out' of it.)

Support Growth: These are growth-based support abilities, simply stated.
Growing Perception- Laola has an extra-sensory perception on anything that she has injected any of her chemicals into. The more time elapses, the greater the infection, and the more powerful Laola becomes, the greater detail her perceptions grants, so she may just know your body on a cell-by-cell basis.

Growing Life- Laola's body naturally grows into place, giving her an 'Auto-Organize'-like ability ("Organize" is the "Regen" of tissue damage), steadily accounting for tissue damage. The ability has grown onto her health energy, as well, so she ever-so slowly regenerates tissue health and health energy. (No worries; this is less than 1/3rd as effective as Organize and Regen.)

Growing Force- During battle, Laola's STR and MAG increase, but incredibly slowly. The effects last until the end of the battle.

Growing Resilience- Same as Growing Force, but for DEF and RES.

Growth Energy- Her energies grow onto each other. When she's not using an ability, an exclusive pool of Growth Energy builds-up in her, just like chakra. It builds-up very, very slowly, so this makes little difference without Levels and training, but it may allow for a 'free' action before spending chakra or mana. When her mana is capped (such as at the beginning of a battle) and tries to increase (which happens naturally, to a very limited extent), 1/10th of the overflow is transferred into her chakra, so she gets some extra chakra to spend before spending mana. Also, these abilities (except those of the Poison Fang category) would be executable only via her chakra, but the costs have grown onto her mana, so she can use either energy pool to fuel her abilities, in addition to the Growth Energy.
Once she is Lv3+ and has trained for it, she will learn the following:
Growing Haste- Same as Growing Force, but for SPD.
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Post by Laola » Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:31 am

Physical Stamina: Laola is bursting with energy, and she grows things to help her along, so this is pretty high, though not obscenely so.
Mental Stamina: higher than the typical lilith, but still just below the average for RP characters.
Health Energy: much higher than the usual lilith, putting her a moderate distance above the average
Mana: average
Chakra: moderately above average
Speed: slightly above average
Strength: noticeably below average
Defense: Since she grows her body well, this is only moderately below average, which far surpasses most liliths.
Magic: This is very high; not obscenely so, but high.
Resistance: moderately above average

Note that she can grow her body differently to augment physical stats and parameters, but rarely even enough to put strength or defense at average values after a good amount of energy expenditure.
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Post by Emma Cain » Thu Oct 28, 2010 7:39 pm

Good. Approved. P:
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Post by Laola » Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:29 am

By the way, here are the details of a lilith, for future reference:
A lamia, simply said, is a snake person. They're prodominately female, and they're often fire-elemental and have moves that beguile their foes. A lilith is basically a super lamia. (For the record, a gorgon is a kind of lilith. As most of you know, a gorgon has a TON of magical power, which they use for bursts of darkness and petrification, usually.) Rather than being firey, most liliths are storm-related, typically have powers of lightning, wind, and sometimes snow/cold/ice/some others. That's not to say that they're completely inept at other elements; that's just what most have natural aptitude with.
While lamias are almost always classified as monsters, are almost always monstrous, and almost always have the intellect to only be above average to monsters, the dumb liliths are some of the smartest monsters that you'll ever see, while others are actually human, with human intellect, human souls, human everything.
Almost every lamia in existence is stuck in its serpentine form, while almost every lilith in existence can modify their bodies much more freely, including turning locks of their hair into snakes, extending snakes from their nails, turning not only their lower body into serpent tails, but doing so while setting particular points to transform to (They can turn everywhere from the calves down, everywhere from the knees down, everywhere from the thighs, pelvic area, or waist down into giant snake tails. They can maintain part-legs and part-tail lower bodies.). Some can turn their limbs into individual snakes, much greater than those of the hair.
They can see heat, just like all snakes.
They have incredibly limited hypnosis. While some liliths learn to expand on this quite a bit, the majority of them (including Laola) can only hypnotize a mouse to hold still while it's being eaten or the like. The effect over other reptiles and amphibians is slightly greater, so that a lilith can fairly easily control a normal snake to actually slither into the lilith's throat and basically make itself eaten, or a frog could be made to hop into the hands of a lilith to be eaten and just sit there and let it happen. Those are just for basic animals, though; even at Lv7, Laola would have some real trouble hypnotizing a much more sentient lizard man to half that extent.
Oh, yeah, they eat amphibians, especially frogs, other reptiles, small mammals, and quite a few other things, since their digestive systems are about as powerful as those of hyenas.
The venom of a lilith is quite potent, but not too hard to treat, and not very dangerous on its own. Really, you should worry a lot more about the poisons from Laola's plants than her fangs. Her bodily venom can be used to help in battle a little, but it'll mainly be to start pre-digesting you before you're eaten, if that's her intention.
The hypnosis may be weak, but letting a lilith into your heart or even just granting a kiss can make things a lot worse with their charming capabilities and their hypnosis combined. Note the above ability, "Sweet Kiss".
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Post by Ceodore Wolfgang » Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:04 pm

Pretty balanced and stuff, she would be a well-rounded spell caster for beginners should she be in a video game :)

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Post by Laola » Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:40 pm

Hehe, thanks.
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